29. Prom Proposal

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Since you guys kept begging for another update. How could i say no! I was going to update tomorrow but, here you all my darlings.

29. Prom Proposal


I holded onto clarke hand as we entered the school. Lately it feels like I'm the only one who is doing the intimate gesters. Her kisses are still sweet but they seem forced. I already apologized and she did aswell, but she seems distant lately.

Fuck, I screwed up bad.

I watch her take the books out of her locker and find a prom poster, or should I say another prom poster. These posters are everywhere and I can't take them out. I grabbed the paper, scrunched it up and threw it over my shoulders.

"This shit is so stupid. Who would ever want to go" I huff in frustration

" you don't like school dances?" She's seems to be asking me but it came out more like a statement

" I hate them! Their filled with people at school" I groan. I pretty much hate everyone, except for my pals and my own sister who, I haven't seen lately.

"That's kinda the point, Bellamy. It's a school dance." She rolls her eyes.

" Why would I want to spend time with people from school when I don't have to? I would do anything to not see these fuckers anymore " I shrug

" Fuck, Finn wants me to help him with something" I jolt of my phone in the back pocket reminding me of my chore

"I'll see ya later, yeah ?"

She nods and I sigh by her lack of reaction, before tilting her head upwards and leaving a kiss. I continue to stare at her before she sends me a weak smile. I walk away to meet up with Finn.

"What did you want, Finn?" I fold my arms across my chest

" as you know prom is coming up and I'm going to ask Raven and I need some help"

"Oh, don't get me involve in this shit" I groan

" what Did you have in plan?" Lincoln cocks an eyebrow

" well, you know raven likes to dance so, I came up with a quick routine for us--" Finn starts but I cut him off

" oh, Hell no. Hell. No."

"Come on! I help you with clarke if you do me this one small favor man" Finn pleads but I shake my head

" I'm not asking clarke to prom"

"What?" Atom shouts slapping my arm, earning a glare from me.

" What?" I rub my arm as his blue eyes widen

"How could you not ask her? Almost every girl wants to go to their senior prom man " Lincoln said making Atom and Finn nod.

"Well, too bad. I hate school dances. I hate school and i hate dancing, End of discussion."

" well, since bellamy is an arse, can you three dance to this routine? And then, I'll come in when the song changes and I'll ask her" Finn gathers the boys together showing them a video on his phone with the steps. I look over and see a bouquet of purple rose and a poster. God he's a loser.

"Look easy enough" Atom smirks "when will you ask her?"

" hopefully in a few minutes. The hallway should be clearing up soon and not many have a free period so, no one else can witness it."

" let's go" Lincoln glances at his watch and the bell rings singling that everyone should be in class by now. We have a spear. Because our math teacher went home sick and they didn't have time to call a supsitute so we all decided to just skip.

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt