30. A Night To Remember

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30. A Night To Remember


"So, how did he ask you? Tell us everything" Lexa gushes as my cheeks retain a light shade of pink. I continued to tell them about the pizza incident.

" Aw! How adorable " Raven places both of her hands on each side of her cheek, gushing to herself. Rolling my eyes I continued to look through the racks for the perfect prom dress.

" Yeah, it was nice" I mutter, mostly to myself. I would be so much happier if I could stop replaying what bellamy said to me, that caused me pain. I can't seem to forget it. He hurt me so many times and after all that, I'm still madly in love with him. Whether I want it or not.

" ugh, none of these match my skin tone" octavia frowns still searching for the perfect dress.

" I think I'm going to go with this one" Lexa says showing off a beautiful lilac purple gown that trails off to the ground. It's light and it has chiffon fabric that heights her already present grace. Octavia and Raven continue to search leaving me alone. I decided to walk near the back of the store. I figure it must be hidden from the public eye. To my surprise my eyes lands on a piece that's radiates elegance.

A smile creeps onto myself as I go to try it on.


" got the first text" Atom yells into my eardrum causing me to have a huge headache from his yells.

" what is it?" Finn tries to peak into his phone

" light purple" he zooms into the photo of a swap fabric that happens to be lexa dress.

" why the fuck do you care what color her dress is?" I scoff. This is stupid.

" because" he emphasizes " we have to match our ties to it"

" why? That's a shit load of trouble" I state obviously

" we just have to, dude " Lincoln pats my back. I sigh, Fuck. I'm going to hate this. I take out my phone and hesitately text a message to clarke. Watching the boys made me feel guilty

To: Clarke

" baby, what color is your uh dress?"

I put my phone away, waiting for her to reply, my foot tapping the ground. We have finished the tailoring and are now searching for the right shade of tie.

" I think you should go with an original tie, so that Clarke can pull on you" he laughs and it almost sounds like a giggle.

" What?"

" I'd be cute, trust me" he winks
My phone buzzes to my relief and I use the distraction to get my mind off all the overwhelming business

From: Clarke

" Just get black. or gold, if your feeling extra happy."

To: Clarke

" What does that mean?"

From: Clarke

" Your just very grumpy often. I don't want to push you into doing things you don't want to. Going with me to prom is more then enough. "

It's a bit sad how she feels like me trying to make her happy is a burden. I never realize how my attitude towards things can depress her to the point that she feels it's a chore to be with her. If anything, I'm incredibly lucky and blessed to share any part of that with her.

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now