03. Workout

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03. Workout

I slightly moved back a little and admired the love bite I made on her neck

" what the hell did you do??" She shouted in horror as she brought her hands up to the raw mark I made her

" don't you dare try to cover it with make-up or I will just make it more permanent, although I wouldn't mind doing it again" I smirked

She looked at me with anger, you could litterly see the steam coming out of her ears. I grab her wrist tightly

" let's go princess" I said holding her wrist tight but she tried to get away but I wouldn't let her escape

" I'm not going anywhere with you, you sick bastard" She said fighting me off

Wow, she is not the innocent girl I imagined her to be

" let me fucking go you prick" She stated

Yup, she so isn't.

I ignore her comment and just took her outside of the classroom. Everyone was putting there stuff away in there lockers and they were chatting but once they saw me and clarke, they all shut up and looked at us

" Cafeteria now" I ordered making them all hurry to go to the lunch room. I grabbed clarke wrist tighter and lead her to the cafeteria where everyone is now staring at me and her.


I'm actually quite surprised to see that everyone listened to him. Why are they so scared? He's nothing but a fucking coward and I hate him so much. I turn to look at a table where raven and Lexa is at. I stare at them and they give me this apoligic look. Dylan had his hands over his forehead and eyes shut, not wanting to see this and Alex just looked plained pissed. His fist tighten at the sight of us. I noticed Bellamy noticed I was staring at them so he pulled me into his chest making me not have any eye contact with anyone, he then let me go and Atom and Lincoln was standing in front of me keeping a good eye on me. Bellamy stepped foward and stood ontop of a chair and spoke with his loud voice that was echoing through the cafeteria

" Listen closely" he said narrowing his eyes to everyone around

" Clarke Griffin is Mine, if I see any of you guys touching her, looking at her, or even thinking about her dont you dare think i will hesitate to make your life here a living hell am i making myself clear?" Bellamy shouted

What? Who the fuck does he think he is?

Some people was saying yes and some just stayed quite

He doesn't own me, I'm not his nor I will ever be.

" I object" I shouted

Lincoln looked at me shocked as he covered my mouth with his hands to prevent me from speaking any more.

" anyways, your stay away from her if you want to live" he said jumping off the table that made a ruckus noise.

I looked at Alex and he wanted to say something but I gave him the look that says ' don't say anything'. Bellamy comes to my side and he takes a hold of my hand which I hate to admit but it's getting warm

" I'm taking you to your next class" he tells me leading me out of the cafeteria. I was standing in front of the door where I can see everyone. Bellamy leans in and whisper in my ear

" sit next to Lincoln" he tells me.

I scoff at his words and let go of his embrace and I see Lincoln, he waves at me and I walk to him

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now