15. Sombody To You

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Sorry for spelling errors. It's a long chapter. Good news. I'll be update more since I finished school. Summer break!♡ hope you enjoy.

15. Sombody To You

I could see Bellamy face harden just by looking at his father, the veins popping from the side of his face and octavia hanging onto Bellamy upper arm, holding onto him for comfort. I took a seat on the couch and octavia follow leaving bellamy standing awkwardly making me sigh, I nudged him to do the same and he did taking a seat. Zac opened his mouth to speak and I already felt bellamy instinct to wrap his arms around my waist for some comfort and squeezing octavia hand.

" I can't believe you actually here, right in front of me healthy and happy" Zac begins as his voice stern with regret

" were not healthy or happy" Bellamy raised an eyebrow at his father and spitted the words out like poison

I glanced around and noticed the boys leaving retreating the room one by one and I do the exact same

" I'm going to get some water, I'll be in the kitchen " I begin to get up but Bellamy grips on my wrist

" I'm coming with you" he says getting up but I roll my eyes and shove him back down

" no you won't, you stay and talk, I don't belong here anyways so I'll go get some water" I tell him but he doesn't seem to budge or seem unfazed

" if you leave, I'm coming to" he raises an eyebrow at me slightly communicating with me as there's no fighting this. I sigh, and roll my eyes and just walk away knowing that Bellamy is behind me. I enter the kitchen and close the door behind us as I cross my arms across my chest


" why are you being rude? That's your flesh and blood" I argued

" Yeah, but he walked away from me and octavia, are we even considered family to him??" He argued back. He reached for a cup and poured some water

" you guys are always family, no matter what" I frown my eyes at him and run my hands through my hair

" why do you care so much?" He rolled his eyes " its not even your business"

I have no idea to how I'm suppost to answer to that so I just took a sip of my water, I don't understand why bellamy doesn't want to fix any of this. Octavia is out there maybe talking to her father and bellamy is inside here not even out there. I feel sorry for them.


I sigh,

I watched as my brother and clarke leave, bell is like a lost puppy when he is around clarke. Clarke is good for him but, he's just pushing her away. Zac and I are not even speaking, sure I have lots to ask him as in, why did he leave us? Did he not love us? Did he even want us?. I looked down, I'm so awkward and clueless, when will bellamy and clarke come out?

" H-How are you doing?" Zac asked nervously, I shot my head up and see Zac staring into my green eyes.

" okay I guess...." I softly replied

" You remind me of your mother, her eyes just bright green" I couldn't help but smile, I don't remember much of my mother it's good to know I had her eyes.


I can't do this, Bellamy needs to go out and talk. I take my phone out and look for Octavia number as I texted her

To: octavia

"Im sorry. X X "

I hear the beep through the thin walls knowing she got the message I just send her

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now