Chapter 31

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Joan's POV

I could feel the tears streaming down my face as people rushed around. I didn't know what was happening, except that there was a blur of surgeons running around doing tests, and I was sitting uselessly in a waiting room with Clarissa and Jude, who was sobbing quietly.

I had no idea how she got to Julia in time, but I'm so glad she did. I didn't even hear Jude come in the house. All I heard was a blood curdling scream, and me, George and Ringo all ran into the room to see Julia look so ill, and there was a lot of blood. Jude had already phoned the ambulance, and Clarissa had gone to get some water. George and Ringo had stayed home, awaiting the other two so they could tell them the news.

"Are you Julia's friends?" A formal voice snapped me out of my flashback. I looked up at the tall man in front of me to see a very plain face. He was completely expressionless. That was not good.

"Will Julia be OK!? Oh god this is all my fault!" Jude stood up, immediately blaming herself, even though there was nothing that could've been done to stop it. I felt so sorry for both of them.

"Trust me, this isn't your fault." The doctor continued. "Julia will be perfectly fine." He looked at everyone's relieved faces, except mine as I noticed the tone at the end of his sentence. There was a 'but' coming.

"But...?" I urged him on, now really worried about poor Julia.

"The baby won't be. I'm afraid Julia's had a miscarriage." He looked a little fretful, but quickly returned back to his monotone expression. Maybe it was part of his job to be like that.

I heard Jude's breath hitch, and there was silence in the room for what seemed like an eternity.

"Wh- Have you told her?" Clarissa asked, speaking for the first time since we arrived there. The doctors face then turned to a strange mix of sadness and amusement.

"Actually that was the only other bad thing. She fainted when we gave her the blood test. She's completely out of it." I glanced around to the other two. We were going to have to carry her home, and I didn't feel like I could move. It was so overwhelming that I felt all of the strength drain from my body, and I suddenly became very nauseous.

"How do we get home?" Jude asked the unspoken question, after the doctor had left and apologised again. I had no idea, although Clarissa looked as though she may have had a suggestion.

"We need a car, but we'd need to wait for the guys to get here. If they're even coming." She sighed.

"Well, do you wanna go and see Julia, see if we can wake her up? Maybe she can walk." Jude suggested. Anything was better than this agonizing waiting. Clarissa and I agreed, and we went into Julia's room, which smelled really bad of chemicals, and it was really plain, with white and olive green walls, as well as a small window, placed right opposite the bed.

"Jules!" I shook her gently to wake her up, and tapped her face, but she wasn't responding. I sighed, and slumped myself into the hospital chair next to her bed. I wished George was there with me, he'd make the situation much brighter...

"George!" I exclaimed, realising what I'd just thought. Jude jumped and turned to see what was the matter, while Clarissa looked to the door, thinking the others had arrived. "Guys, I've just been such an idiot."

I rolled my sleeve up a little so that I could see where he'd written on my arm. It read:


01632 960633
Love you xxx

"I have Georges phone number! We can get him to bring the car and Ringo can stay home!" I suggested.

"I don't know, isn't it better if she stays here for a while? I mean she is unconscious." Jude pointed out, but I hated being in hospitals, and I just wanted to get out. After some rest Julia would be fine.

"But that's from seeing a needle. She's fine, really." Clarissa argued, and Jude shrugged. It was decided, so I left to call George for a moment. I got worried glances as I left the room into the empty corridor outside. Now I needed to find a phone. I walked towards the reception, getting slightly lost in the maze of rooms, until I finally found the secretary, who was more than happy for me to use the phone.

I dialed the number, and eagerly held the receiver to my ear.

"Come on Georgie pick up, pick up, pick up..." I whispered as it rang. And rang. And rang. I was beginning to lose hope. Surely he'd have picked up by now. I took the reciever away from my ear again, my heart completely sinking, and I was about to place it back, until I heard a little squeaky noise, which sounded like a voice. And again. So I lifted the receiver back up, as one last attempt.

"Joan please, can you hear me!? Is it you?" His thickly accented voice was loud down the phone, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Yeah George, I'm here, I can hear you!" I realised he was probably going to put the phone down if I didn't reply, so I rushed my words out and I heard him sigh on the other end with relief.

"Well, how is she?" He eagerly asked.

"Um, long story, she's fine, but we're gonna need the car, if you don't mind. I'll tell you when you get here." I tried not to sound too demanding, but I could picture the cheeky smile on his face on the other end after finding out she was OK.

"Yeah, sure, I'll see you in a minute then. Love ya." My heart fluttered as he said that.

"Love you too. Thanks so much. Alright, see ya." And he hung up. I thanked the receptionist for letting me borrow the phone, and headed back to the room to tell the others the good news.

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