Chapter 28

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John and Paul stared at each other, each one searching the other for a hint of a joke. No such luck, as both of them realized exactly what was going on. He had her as well, they each thought at the same time, and they didn't like it one bit.

"I can't even believe it," John said, his look of shock morphing into a fierce scowl. "We agreed that she's my girl, remember?"

"I said no such thing," Paul spat back, his face beginning to turn red. "We said that the discussion wasn't over yet, not that we had reached a decision."

"Guys, please," Ringo said quietly. "This is neither the time nor place to make a scene."

"A scene?" John said, looking at Ringo with mock surprise. "You think this is a scene!? This is a scene!"

Before anyone could react further John snatched a glass from the bar and destroyed it over Paul's mop top. Paul clutched the back of his head, crumpling to the ground. This was starting to attract the attention of some patrons, particularly a young girl sitting at a table in the corner of the room. She watched with interest as a bartender emerged form behind the counter to confront the commotion.

"Now, now, what's all this then?" the bartender said in an accent that pronounced he was clearly Scottish.

"No-nothing sir," Ringo said, placing himself between John and the man. "Just a bit of a disagreement. We were just leaving."

Ringo signaled to Jude, who nodded and nudged George. George and Jude helped Paul off the ground and out the door. Julia and Joan assisted Ringo in convincing the bartender that there was nothing worth reporting, with the aid of a few pounds. They met at the corner, just out of the bar's patio ear shot.

"What were ye thinkin' John," George said, glaring at him with piercing brown eyes. "Are ye outta yer bloody mind?"

"You almost earned us some very unwanted attention," Joan chimed in. "And also may have really hurt Paul."

John looked at his fallen band mate, who was propped up against the wall of the corner drug store. Julia and George were trying to revive him, but with little success. John sighed, running a hand through his hair. He would've said something, but the others were already crossing the street, making their way slowly home. John followed them in silence, thinking about all that had happened. The only thing he knew for sure was this; no matter who's baby it was, they were still in deep trouble.

Paul opened his eyes slowly, then closed them for the pounding in his skull. He didn't attempt to reopen them again until the pain had somewhat subsided. When he did, the first thing he saw was the person he wanted to see least; John. Paul frowned.

"What do you want?" Paul said, his doe eyes searching John carefully. John opened his mouth to speak, but bowed his head, rethinking everything he was about to do. He shook his head. You are going to do this, John, he told himself. If it kills you, you will.

"Look, Macca." John started. "I'm...I'm sorry about what happened at the bar. It's just...well, it's so overwhelming thinking about what had just happened. I mean, suddenly Julia's pregnant, someone's a father, and....God, this is soundin' all wrong."

"No," Paul's voice said softly. "It wasn't just you. I got a bit carried away as well, bedding her and all. I should've...well...."

"No explanation necessary," John interrupted. "It wasn't right for either of us, but... now we need to deal with this together."

"Friends again?" Paul said, raising a hand. John smiled, taking Paul's hand in his and pulling him into a hug. The two friends embraced, melting away all the tension between them. After the hug, John helped Paul up. He was a bit unsteady, but together they made it to the bedroom door. Paul and John exchanged a look, sealing the deal; no matter what happened, they were sticking together. If only we knew what to do next.

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