Chapter 25

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Julia's POV
We stare at George eating. And eating. And eating. And God, does this guy ever gets full? Come to think of it, I'm a little hungry myself. Peanut butter. I need peanut butter. Damn you baby, I never liked peanut butter before!
"You guys have any peanut butter?" I asked George, who was currently stuffing his face with cookies.
He looks over at me, and grunts to the counter, where I see a jar of peanut butter. Yummy. I walk over to the counter, to find that the peanut butter jar is empty. I scrape the inside of the jar with the finger, hoping to get attests a small taste of this smooth, sticky godliness. Nothing. I can hear George talking, but right now my I'm too upset about the lack of peanut butter to care. I sulk back to my seat.
"Sorry, it's just that these are so bloody good!" George is obviously very enthusiastic about cookies. I mean, I knew George liked to eat, but this is really getting me nervous about his well-being. "I normally don't eat this much." He explained to Joan.
"Oh, of course. It's just that your really hungry today." Joan said with mock belief. I was starting to get worried about Paul and John in alone in the room. What where they talking about? Did they know? Holy crap, did Paul know about John? Why am I such a slut? Why couldn't I just, you know, not sleep one of The Beatles? But, oh no, I have to be stupid.
Jude walks out of our room, and plops down next to me.
"You ok?" She asked, concerned about the look of self hatred I no doubt have stuck to my face.
"One last girls meeting? For old times sake?" She asked me and Joan.
We walk into our room, making sure to lock the door behind us.
"Tell us everything" Joan says "except the gross stuff, we don't care about the gross stuff." To my surprise I smile, something I haven't done for, hmm, since I found out I was carrying a developing fetus.
"Like, how did you even find time to sleep with Paul and John? My god, I've barely even found time to flirt with Ringo." Jude says, giggling. Her giggling makes me and Joan giggle and the for the next ten minutes, where laughing our asses off, Joan nearly falls of the bed.
"Okay, okay, seriously guys, let me tell you" I say between breaths. "So, um, how do I put this?" I say lingering out the words. I've never said any of this aloud before, and it's gonna be emotional. I'll just blame it on the hormones. "I only technically slept with one of them." They're obviously confused. "Well, I mean, it's just that, I felt so bad, cause I mean, I was sorta more with Paul than John, but, I mean, I was still sending John signals, but I really liked Paul, so I mean, I said I slept with both, you know, so I don't look that bad. I much rather be I liar than a cheater. I should of just chosen one. But you guys know me." I look up from the bloody finger nails I have been picking at. Joan smile at me, but it's forced.
"You're know we'll be your friends no matter what." Jude tells me. Joan agrees.
" I slept with John" I told them. "It's his." I say, touching my stomach. I start tearing up, the familiar burning in my ears I always get when I cry, which is why I haven't cried since I was twelve.

"I don't wanna be a mom. I just cant" I plead, to who I don't know.
But what else can I do?
"Knock knock" John says opening the door. "Hey girls, you guys wanna go see the sights?"
"Let's go" I said drying tears. I force a smile.
It's better than considering three choices.

Keep, kill, or give?

That is the question.

A/N sorry it's so long, thought I might make up for the short chapter

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