Chapter 24

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Paul and John sat in the kitchen, watching George consume another sandwich. Ringo had gone off with Maureen and Zak, so there was nothing else to do. It was getting really boring, though. I mean, this was, what? George's fourth sandwich? There has to be something else we can find to do, John and Paul thought at the same time. Because this is almost as bad as nothing at all.

Paul looked at John, who now had a sinister grin on his face. Paul wasn't sure what John was thinking, but it was probably something either naughty, fun, or, best of all, both. John signaled to Paul with his eyes, and Paul nodded, following John out of the kitchen as George dug through the cabinets in search of jelly babies. By the time he'd find his precious sweets, he had lost his audience.

"So," Paul said, when they were a safe distance from the kitchen, "What's the plan?"

"Well," John whispered, "The way I see it, we have two options. One, we die of boredom watching George do what he does all day every day....or, we can grab the girls and go have some fun.

"I like the sound of plan B," Paul grinned. Let's get outta here, and show 'em what fun in the sixties is all about."

John rubbed his hands together. ""

Sorry it's short

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