Chapter 4

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Third Person POV:

"I'm hungry," George stated.

"Oh no," everyone but George replied. The boys looked at the girl, stunned.

"How did-" Paul started, but stopped himself from saying more. How could they have an explanation for what had just happened? There was a brief period of silence. No one knew what to say. George finally snapped everyone out of awkward mode.

"I'm still hungry," he said flatly.

"When aren't you," John replied in a bored voice. The others nodded, murmuring in agreement. George scowled, crossing his arms.

"Why does everyone pick on me?" George whined, his lip trembling a bit, Paul walked over to George, putting an arm around him.

"Aw, don't be sad Geo," Paul said gently, giving George a hug. "I'm sure these nice girls'll get something for you to eat. Right girls?" Paul looked at the girls, batting his long, thick eyelashes. He flashed them an irresistible smile, finishing off his routine with a wink. Julia rolled her eyes.

"We'll get you your food, alright? Just stop making those weird faces."

Paul's face fell as Julia turned on her heels, heading up the stairs. Jude and Joan exchanged a glance before running up after her. The girls weren't thinking, they were so blown away by Julia's comment. It didn't occur to them that they'd just left the Beatles alone, in the strange basement.

"That was brilliant Geo!" John cried. He began digging through chests, and searching shelves, taking any potion or elixir that caught his eye.

"John, what are you doing!?" Paul said, a horrified expression on his face.

"I'm conducting an experiment," John replied in a posh accent. He climbed off of the step ladder, he'd been perched on, and set his new found treasures onto a table. John rubbed his hands together, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Now, what shall we try first?" John said, reaching towards the various vials he'd selected. He chose one with a bright green liquid that Paul almost swore was glowing. John uncorked the phial, cackling like a mad man. Paul rushed to John, desperately trying to wrench the test tube from his hands.

The twosome struggled over the small flask, while Ringo and George watched in awe. Suddenly they all heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Boys!" Joan called. "We found some jam butties!"

John's face lit up. He released his grip on the bottle without warning. Paul fell back, the bottle's contents spilling all over his front. The boys gasped as Paul looked down at himself, staring in shock at his no longer white shirt. John swallowed as the girls entered the room.

"We're back guys!" Jude said cheerfully. "And we brought-...aye, where's Paul gone?"

The boys looked around the dimly lit basement. It was true. Paul's suit was there on the floor, where he'd been lying just moments ago, but Paul was nowhere in sight. Everyone turned to look at John, who blushed, glancing down at the floor. He grinned sheepishly.


Joan, Jude, and Julia: With The BeatlesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin