Chapter 14

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I didn't like this at all- this plan would not, could not work. It's insane.

I feel like complete shit. We just about killed the past. The Beatles are just about all I have in life- besides family and friends, of course- and that's as good as gone. We messed it up. The Beatles are nothing.


The word sends shivers up my spine. I feel like I'm going to be sick. Nobody notices as I visibly blanch when we pass through the doors of the hospital.

We walk up to the front desk lady. Wonder what Auntie is registered under?

" there a Hermione here?" I asked uncertainly. The lady raised an eyebrow at us as she opened her little name book. She looked surprised as she flipped to a page.

"Room 321." she told us. As we walked away I heard her mumbling something about 'too many damn Harry Potter fans'. I rolled my eyes as I followed Julia and Joan into the elevator.

"Jude?" My eyes snapped up to meet Julia's. Hers were swimming with concern.

"Sorry, I was thinking." she didn't ask what about.

"Well," Joan sighed as she composed herself from her current out-of-it state. "Let's go fix this mess."

"It's not that simple, Joan." I argued. "We've made a bigger mess than anyone could really fix."

"Let's go guys." Julia intervened. "Just 'let it be' and come on."

"Come on, come on, please please me whoa yeah..." I started.

"Like I please you." Julia and Joan finished. We all laughed.

We approached the door and everyone's face fell. I raised my hand hesitantly to knock, before lowering it again with a sigh. Julia put a hand on my shoulder and knocked.

"Come in." came a voice.

We opened the door to see Auntie sitting propped up on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hi Auntie." I said, not meaning for it to come out as it did- a scared whisper.

"Well, my Jude. Joan, Julia, what a pleasant surprise, how are you girls?" Auntie smiled, but I frowned. She wasn't okay- I saw it, and I know Julia and Joan did too.

"We're fine, thank you. How are you, Hermione?" Joan asked politely.

"As well as can be expected." she answered. "What brings you here today, besides paying a visit to your dear old Aunt?"

"We have a problem." Julia admitted. We went on to explain to her our 'problem'.

"I see..." Hermione stared at the ceiling in deep thought. "Well I" she started to mumble incoherent words.

"Hermione!" Julia leapt dramatically over the bed and pressed the button to summon a nurse. They suddenly flooded the room. We were being smothered, pushed, there was movement everywhere.

Until we heard the beep.

"Time of death," a doctor solemnly recorded. "9:24 p.m."

Joan, Jude, and Julia: With The BeatlesWhere stories live. Discover now