Chapter 2

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Jude's POV:

"What a bunch of nonsense." I heard my mother say. I didn't say anything as Joan, Julia and I grabbed a cup each of lemonade before we clambered back down the stairs to my room, in the basement.

"Which album?" I asked, talking mainly to Julia, because she loved the records rather than any other form of music.

"Rubber soul!" She answered immediately. Joan giggled and flopped on my bed, staring up at the ceiling where my "Abbey Road" poster hung. They both loved Abbey Road. I thought the songs were good, but it made me think about how it was the end of the Beatles every time I looked at it. I just found it a little sad.

The first song, "Drive My Car" came on and we all started to sing. But before we even reached the chorus, we heard a loud crash from the guest room, where my Auntie was brewing her potion.

I stood up and ran to the guest room, flinging the door open. My Auntie was on the ground, and I yelled for my mom.

A few minutes later it was just the three of us.

"She'll be fine, Jude." Joan assured me.

"Yeah." Julia added. "You heard your mom, on the phone she sounded fine and the paramedics told her she just inhaled too many of the fumes when the potion exploded."

I nodded. Julia jumped off my bed and hugged me. I smiled, feeling better.


"What in the land of submarines was that?" I asked. Julia, the most headstrong and daring of us three, stood up and started towards the guest room. I trailed behind her, and Joan hesitantly followed. She definitely wasn't the shyest out of us (that would be me), but my Auntie's witchcraft made her uncomfortable and unnerved.

When Julia opened the door, she gasped, stepping to the side so Joan and I could see.

The box, the one my Auntie had said allowed time travel, was on the floor, glowing brightly-almost blinding me, but I couldn't look away. Then it occurred to me, and it seemed to occur to the other girls too, that it could mean a stranger in the house. It could be anybody, even a murderer. But just as we turned around to run, the light flashed even brighter, and I stumbled over something in my blind haste to escape. I hear a scream, a bang, before I was dragged into an unconscious darkness.

"Wake up, Jude." I heard a faint voice beckoning me. "Jude." I heard it again. I opened my eyes, and saw Joan leaning over me.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up. She cleared her throat a little uncomfortably and shuffled out of my perennial line of vision. She had been blocking something before, and when my senses returned I realised it must've been whoever touched the cube. I turned to Joan, who was sitting and looking down at an also unconscious Julia.

"So my Aunt really did create time travel." I murmured.

"That's not all." Joan continued. "Take a closer look at those men- the scenario Julia gave your Auntie..."

I scooted over to the group of men, and I found that there were four. But I also found out something else.

The scenario that Julia had used as an example of time travel, had come true.

Those four men were the Beatles.

I felt like fainting. I was glad that they weren't awake yet- I know they didn't like obsessive fangirls, and if I fainted I would leave a lasting impression- a bad one, in my opinion. I backed away as one started to stir- it was still too dark to see who was who.

"What the hell-" the Beatle muttered, raising a silhouetted hand and cradling his head in it. It sounded like John.

Coming to my senses, I got up and stepped over Julia as I walked, unnoticed by the Beatle, over to the light switch. I flicked it on, and the Beatle, who was indeed John, turned to look at us.

It was a minute before anyone spoke, and when someone did it was John.

"Well?" He said.

"Well what?" Joan asked quizzically from her seat next to Julia on the floor.

"Why aren't you screaming?" I couldn't help but laugh. It was crazy- how can Joan and I be this calm around a Beatle? Especially considering John, as well as George, were Joan's favourite. But regardless, we laughed like we were good friends at a casual get-together, not strangers in the basement of a house where time travel took place.

Remembering their situation, I was about to inform John of the phenomenon they had just partaken in, but was interrupted by Julia stirring. She sat up quickly and almost went nose-to-nose with John. He instinctively covered her hand, and she slapped it away.

"What was that for?" She asked angrily, despite talking to a freaking Beatle. But Joan knew and I knew, and John would soon find out, that Julia is in charge of Julia and she lets her guard down for no one. I smiled at my own little reference before watching the scene unfold. By now, the other three Beatles were awake, and Joan was trying to calmly explain what was going on, leaving out the parts about time travel. We decided to hold off on that.

But of course, that plan went down the drain when my phone started ringing.

Joan, Jude, and Julia: With The BeatlesWhere stories live. Discover now