Chapter 22

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It was nothingness. I spent every second wondering what could've gone wrong. I wouldn't blame Clarissa, or Joan, but something must've gone wrong. I could hear voices every day, of the ones I loved so much. Julia, Joan, Ringo, Clarissa, and the rest of the boys. Mocking me. It was awful.

I could sleep inside the darkness. And one morning, or night or afternoon, I could move my eyelids. My eyes opened- and I saw them.

Julia and Paul, sitting there and watching television.

I tried to sit up, and though at first I was dizzy I succeeded. They had yet to notice me. I stood up and walked over to them, leaning on the back of the sofa. It was pretty amusing, nobody was noticing me. Turning around, I saw Joan asleep on the couch on the opposite side of the room. So it was the time travel that did it!

Turning back to Paul and Julia on the sofa, they were laughing at a program that is frequently seen in reruns. I couldn't remember the name of it.

"That's funny, he slips on a banana peel. How original." I muttered with mock calmness. Both parties on the couch whipped around in surprise, and they grinned at me.

"Jude, oh my god you're awake!" Julia leapt over the back of the couch and squeezed me in a tight sisterly embrace. Paul stood up and gave me a friendly hug as well. We sat on the couch and talked for five minutes, before I heard another noise. I turned around quickly, my ears failing to distinguish it at first. Jude was writhing slightly on the couch. I raised myself off of the couch and Julia and Paul followed intently.

"Joan?" Julia snapped her fingers near Joan's ear.

"Joan, it's us- Jude and Julia-"

"And Paul." Paul pointed out.

"Yes, and Paul," I continued. "Wake up, Joan. Nothing went wrong, we're here now. Wake up." Her eyelids seemed to flutter open on cue.

"Welcome to 1966!" We all shouted in unison. We had a second small, happy reunion. But I realized that something- someone, was missing.

"Where's Ringo?" I asked. "And George and John?"

Paul shrugged and Julia frustratedly but playfully picked up a nearby newspaper and hit him with it. Suddenly, the front door swung open. We heard four pairs of feet on the stairs and we soon grew excited. But who did the fourth pair belong to? It couldn't be-

In walked Ringo, John, George, and Clarissa. Looks like she decided to join the party.

Their eyes lit up when they saw Joan and I awake. Ringo ran to me and George ran to Joan, and when I was finished huggingI Ringo (for the moment) I reached behind him and held on to Clarissa, grateful and happy.

"We should celebrate." The suggestion came from, who else but John?

We all agreed.

The boys took us to a fair restaurant, and then to the Cavern Club. I couldn't believe I was getting to see the Cavern Club. Julia looked nervous throughout the night, and she was often excusing herself to go to the bathroom. I was worried about her, so when Joan asked to pull her aside for a moment, I tagged along as well.

"Are you o.k., Julia?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Julia said. "Why do you ask?"

"Jules, don't lie to us." I told her. "We've known you since forever, now tell me what's goin' on."

The words that came out of her mouth were words that shocked us both.

"I'm pregnant." She said. "And it's one of the boys'."

Joan, Jude, and Julia: With The BeatlesWhere stories live. Discover now