Chapter 30

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Jude's POV:

Why am I so stupid? Why am I such a bad friend?

I feel awful for what I did to Julia, I really do. And it doesn't help that the only people who will talk to me are Clarissa, Joan, George, and Ringo. Paul won't talk to anybody, and John is just kind of lost right now.

We've done it- we've mucked up the past, and now we're all going to pay the price. But why me more than anyone else?

Because your a sorry excuse for a friend and a crap piece of a human being. I thought.

Sighing, I decided to go for a walk outside. But before I could reach the door, I was interrupted by Clarissa.

"Where're you going, dear?" She asked. I paused, where was I going?

I thought of a lyric as I turned back to Clarissa and I smiled slightly at the forgotten song. What am I doing hanging around?

"I...don't know." I admitted. She smiled at me. It was a sad, sympathetic smile.

She motioned for me to come sit by her on the sofa.

I let out a heavy sigh as I sat down next to her, exhausted from the last few days.

"There's something you want." Clarissa stated knowingly. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah," I scoffed at myself more than Clarissa. "Something to take my mind off of all the shit I messed up."

"Well," she grinned slightly at me. "Paul and I..." She trailed off, her grin growing and becoming more suggestive with each second she looked at me. My jaw dropped slightly.

"No." I never would've guessed! Then again, I never would've guessed that anything that's happened, would've happened.

She nodded. I didn't know exactly what to say. "Well...congrats." She nodded again, and looked off wistfully into space. I snapped my fingers in front of her face- once, twice. No response. I sighed for the gazillionth time that day and I had my hand on the doorknob again when I heard a scream. I flew up the stairs and flung open the door that the screaming was emitting from, Julia's door. She was on the floor crying, and there was blood soaking her bottom half. She looked up at me with scared wide eyes, but when she registered it was me she turned away. I rushed to her side regardless.

"Julia, please." I begged her. "You need help, I love you like a sister, let me help you." She nodded, shaking.

"Ah!" She doubled over in pain and I held her. Clarissa could be heard coming up the stairs.

"I'm scared, Jude. The baby..." I nodded and rubbed her back in an attempt to sooth her.

Clarissa burst through the door, her eyes widened but she came to Julia's aid immediately.

Within a few minutes, we were off to the hospital.

Joan, Jude, and Julia: With The BeatlesWhere stories live. Discover now