Chapter 60

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It was the morning of their first gig at the Earl's Court Exhibition Centre. We, me, Oasis and their guests (I didn't know who any of them were) were staying at Noel's house. We were meant to be partying later, celebrating the two huge gigs but I'd woken up in a bad mood, I just felt like a planet.

"Ugh, I'm so fat." I complained like a whiny teenager after getting dressed. "Things are going to start orbiting me soon." I couldn't wear anything remotely fitted or flattering anymore.

Noel shook his head. "You're carrying my fucking son. You look great to me."

He hugged me from behind putting his arms around my belly, shaping his fingers and thumbs to form a heart over my belly button. "Don't care what you look like, I love you both."

"Good cos we love you too." I smiled. "It could still be a daughter yet. The scan could have been wrong."

He kissed my cheek. "I've seen the scan, I was there, he's hung like an horse already."

"You're mixing up the umbilical cord and our kid's junk." I pointed out playfully.

It was ridiculous but at least he made me feel better. He always knew exactly how to make me feel better.

"Our Kid has still got a baby dick." he used the opportunity for a quick dig at his little brother.

I knew that wasn't true but I wasn't going to argue his case, instead I laughed.


"I can't be bothered with this tonight." Guigsy joked as he raided our fridge while I was making my lunch. "Will you go on for me?"

"Yeah I'll do it." I said enthusiastically. "I'm sure they won't be able to tell the difference between a heavily pregnant person who can't play bass and you."

"Oh, you don't know, do you?" he asked, settling on a sausage roll.

"Know what?"

"I've been gone since September, they had Scott Mcleod from the Ya-Yas for a bit, and they tried gigging without me but I'm back now." he explained as he ate.

"Why? What happened?" I questioned, hating that I was out of the loop.

"I had nervous exhaustion. I had to get away from it all." he said like he didn't want to tell me the truth. "I'm better now so I'm back."

"Come on, what really happened? Liam or Noel was too much of a dick to you?" I guessed.

He sighed. "Liam, in interviews. I swear it wasn't just that, we haven't stopped for a second since about May '93. I can handle anything he's got to say."

"I'm so glad you're back." I threw my arms around him, forcing him to hug me. "Sorry, I didn't know. Nobody thought to tell me."

"Well you're not allowed any stress." he said, getting out of my hug. "You've not seen the Wonderwall video either then."

"Nope. You're not on it?" I guessed.

"When's this baby coming anyway?" he asked, changing the subject. "And what is it? I know you two know."

"Due January 5th... Are you betting with Liam?"

"Yeah, please tell me it's a girl, I don't want to lose again." he gave me a sad look.

"Then you have to wait like Liam. Sorry." I told him, feeling sorry for him. "Is there anyone not betting on my child?"

"Er... Kenzie and Kate." he suggested.

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