Chapter 28

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 “Ey up.” Noel greeted with a lazy wave.

 “Hey, can I borrow Stacy for a minute?” our guest asked politely.

 “See ya, Yorkie. Be good.” Liam said and put his hand on my bum as I walked past him, he had no idea who it was.

 “That’s her dad, fucking retard.” I heard Noel laugh as the door shut.

 “What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to pull my skirt to cover as much of my legs as it could.

 “Nottingham’s not far from home. Thought I’d see Oasis live, meet them and maybe get a chance to spend some time with my daughter.”

 “Yeah? Lets go to the bar.” I walked him to the venue’s bar.

 “About that, I’m not here alone.” he admitted.

 “Who’s here?” As I asked I saw Jamie and Billy sat at the crowded bar together, I hoped I’d mistaken someone else for them.

    I couldn’t help but notice how well they were getting on, just like Billy had gotten on with Luke whenever they met.

    He pointed directly at them. “I know you haven’t seen either of them in a while.”

    It had only been two months, it didn’t seem that long ago to me.

 “I’m going back, I don’t want to see Jamie. Things are too complicated.” I said standing on the spot.

 “What do you mean? He’s your mate, he’s excited to see you and you know he’s come a long way to be here.”

 “Liam thinks there’s something going on between me and Jamie.”

 “What is going on exactly?”

 “Me and Noel kind of started going out at the end of June. We’d thought about it for ages before that. I don’t think I told him we’re friends again. I don’t want anyone to think anything of him being here.” I admitted.

    He took my hand and walked me the rest of the way. “If you can’t be friends with our Jamie, this Noel lad isn’t worth knowing. I don’t care how good his band are.”

    After talking for them for a few minutes Oasis came on stage, they did their best to be happy and enthusiastic but I was sure something had gone on from the look on the brothers’ faces.

 “Kenzie’s backstage on her own. I’m going back, you can come if you want.” I said as the first song came to an end.

 “Is it quieter back there?” Billy asked, removing his hands from his ears.

    Great, gigs are too loud for my kid. “Yeah, you’ll still be able to hear it so you won’t miss anything but it’ll be much quieter.”

    We got sat on the sofas and I introduced my dad and Billy to Kenzie.

 “What happened?” I asked her as Dad was distracted with Bonehead’s magazine and Jamie and Billy were sat listening to the music.

    She rolled her eyes and sighed. “They had a fight, din’t they? Bonehead had to pull them apart.”

 “Who’s Bonehead?” Billy asked, sounding excited as though he’d assumed he was a Skeletor type figure.

 “The guitarist with the really short hair.” Jamie told him.

 “Oh.” he was utterly disappointed at the lack of supervillains. “Is that his real name?”

 “No, Bonehead and Guigsy’s names are Paul but I don’t think anyone has ever called it them.” Kenzie laughed.

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