Chapter 19

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    I went to The Lomax, their latest venue in Liverpool with Jamie.

 "The fame gone to their heads yet?" he asked as we waited for them to come onstage.

 "To their public selves definitely but deep down they know they could still be doing all this for nothing."

 "Don't know how you put up with those idiots. They have great music but proper shit personalities."

 "You don't know them." I defended. "You've only met them a few times."

 "They got you to stop coming up to Liverpool though, didn't they?" I nodded, they didn't stop me but I never seemed to have time for anyone else.

    They came onstage and we forgot about our argument to enjoy the music.

 "D'you want a beer?" I asked.

    He nodded and I went off to buy drinks.

 "Are you staying over night?" he asked a few drinks later.

 "Yeah, I've got the Metro. Can't drive now can I?" I already couldn't remember what the band's schedule was.

    He sighed. "Not unless you want to put someone in our Luke's place. Stay at mine, I've got a flat now."

 "Don't, I don't want to think about it, not tonight." I shook my head.

    I wanted to enjoy my night, not remember how some drunk idiot killed the love of my life and walked away scot-free.

    We had a pretty good night, I didn't get too drunk or anything but as soon as we got back to his flat we started fighting for ages. It was ridiculous, we'd never argued before.


 "Dirty stop-out." Noel commented as he sat eating his lunch, watching tv when I got back.

    He didn't sound mad at me.

 "When did yous get back?" I hanged up my hoodie and bag and went to sit with him.

 "Are you trying to rub it in my fucking face?" He shoved his food on the coffee table and jumped to his feet.

    I didn't know what he was talking about. "What? I'm not trying to do anything."

 "Coming in here in a fucking Reds shirt like it's your trophy. Good night, was it?"

    I looked down. "Oh shit! No, no, no! I can't have this shirt! I have to go back, now!" I panicked.

    I kept fretting until I felt Noel's hand hit my cheek, it wasn't a hard slap, it was just enough to shock me out of it. I stared at him.

 "Sorry, you were freaking me out, I saw it in a movie." he explained. "What's so special about this shirt?"

 "It's the 86/ 87 double win shirt. Him and Luke waited all day for Kenny Dalglish and Ian Rush to sign their shirts." I explained pointing out the signatures. "I didn't know, it was just in his wardrobe."

    He rolled his eyes. "Then it's his fault, just take it off and tell him you've got it. Then you can tell me what the fuck you were doing coming back here in his shirt."

 "I didn't have sex with him if that's what you're bothered about..."

 "Or you don't friggin' remember like usual." he interrupted.

 "No, Noel. I didn't, I've only got his shirt because someone threw beer on mine and I just wanted to get home. We argued so much last night, I not sure we're even friends anymore." I was fighting the tears.

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