Chapter 17

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    I woke up next to Liam, in his bed. I vowed never to drink or do drugs, yet again. I was kind of just glad we'd made it home.

    I couldn't see Noel, I hoped he wasn't mad that I'd slept with (I assumed) his brother. It was still dark in their room so I decided not to worry (what was done, was done) and went back to sleep.

    Suddenly I heard a guitar playing Slide Away and I jumped up.

    He played just long enough to sing the lyrics "Need you now, you've knocked me off my feet... I dream of you... In the morning we don't know what to do."

 "I prefer the full song." I said as I sat up, being careful to keep myself covered. "Wait if you're singing that to me, don't. You said it was about Louise. Remember her?"

    Somehow Liam didn't wake up or just refused to react.

 "Don't need to cover up for me, Yorkie. I was there last night, remember?" he rolled his eyes at me, ignoring what I'd said.

    I shook my head. "I can't."

 "I'm starting to think you forget on purpose." he grinned at me.

 "Yeah, I love waking up with no idea what happened." I said sarcastically. "Welcome to 1994, it's going to be our year." I smiled at him.

 "You've got that right. I'd raise a glass but you've got a drinking problem."

 "I haven't got a problem."

 "Then what are you doing in bed with someone you broke up with?"

 "His bed's comfy?" I suggested, his bed was comfiest. "I don't know, why don't you tell me what happened?"

 "Not much to tell really." he sat on his bed. "We got back, did some coke and decided to shag.  Unfortunately for him, he passed out after a bit of kissing. In fact, you should probably check he's alright."

 "So we just did it with him there?" I started pushing Liam to wake him up.

    Noel nodded and Liam groaned "What?" he was worse than me a being disturbed from sleep.

 "You're alright, then?" I asked.

 "Course I am. I was having a right dream and yous fucking ruined it. Now me head's killing." he complained as he got out of bed and walked off.

 "Lucky he passed out really." I got out of bed and put on the first t-shirt I found, it was Liam's bloodstained one. "I don't date mardy lads."

    I went and got dressed before he had chance to respond.

 "I beat the shit out of the lad, din't I?" Liam said, showing me his busted lip after he'd gotten dressed and we were getting breakfast.

 "Yeah." he clearly couldn't remember the truth, or just chose to ignore it. "And your mum's going to kill us."

 "Mam'll be rate. It's only me lip." he shrugged, apparently he was happy now he'd gotten an ego boost.

    Peggy wasn't happy, she clipped him around the ear and told him to grow up when she saw him. She was pretty sick of him getting into fights.


    Oasis was were getting increasingly frustrated with the album, they were never happy with what they were producing, Noel was constantly annoyed at someone and ended up blaming the studios they were using. "Eight hundred quid down the drain every fucking day!" he ranted. They ended up going to some cutoff studio in Cornwall leaving me to look after Kenzie.

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