Chapter 5

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    The next day Noel took me to watch his band play at the Boardwalk club, they were still under the name The Rain officially and Noel hadn't had time to contribute anything so he was in the audience with me.

    They were already quite popular, and they really were "better with the music" but their songs could definitely be improved.

    Noel was very critical but he mostly just sounded jealous that he wasn't already up there. I teased him about it but he insisted he just wanted the band to be the best.

 "Just cos your little brother is famous already and you're not." I smiled.

 "I don't care about fame. I just know they'd be better with me on guitar."

 "Have you got a guitar?"

 "Course, I keep it in my room, hidden so no one'll nick it."

 "You'll have to play something when we get back, prove yourself."

    He smirked. "I don't need to prove myself, I know I'm great."  

 "Me too but it doesn't mean I can get up there and play a note." I pointed.

 "Fine I'll do it. You won't recognise anything though, will you?"

 "Why, what songs can you play?"

 "The Beatles' stuff, mainly and stuff I've wrote. Like I said you won't know."

 "You know I'm not exactly a fan? I didn't realise anyone noticed." I thought he'd be mad, they looked like serious fans.

 "You just went dead quiet when we put the music on. Your secret's safe with me but I wouldn't tell Liam unless you want to be tied to a chair until you know every lyric to every song the Beatles released. And John Lennon's obviously."

 "He's capable of tying people to chairs, eh?" I said attempting to sound like I was interested in that sort of thing.

    He looked shocked "W' the fuck?"   

 "I'm just messing with you." I pushed him gently, trying to emphasis I was joking.

 "No, no you've said it now. Don't worry I'll let him know in a bit." he couldn't contain his laughter.

    I was so embarrassed and even worse we fell into an awkward silence as he went back to analysing the band's performance.

    When they were done on stage Liam came and sat with us, he couldn't wait for his big brother's verdict.

    They chatted about the gig for a while before I drove them home, I didn't mind being the designated driver since I had the Metro.


    The next morning I got up when I heard their mum getting ready for work. I headed out to find a job leaving the lads with a note telling them where I'd gone.

    It took me a while to find any businesses in this new city and I didn't really have a skill set or experience so it was really difficult and Liam was right, there wasn't many jobs to be found here, plus they found my circumstances suspicious.

    After hours of trying to persuade people to at least take my phone number down I returned to the Gallagher home.

    Liam was sat with his feet on the coffee table watching daytime tv and drinking a can of beer when I got back.

 "Bit early for that isn't it?" I commented.

 "If I was at a barbecue or summet you wouldn't be moaning." he shrugged. "Want one?"

 "I'm not moaning and I'm alright thanks." I slumped next to him.

 "What's up with you? You've got a face like a slapped arse and you look like you'll be going back to doing some more of that sitting on a bridge shite."

 "Please stop joking about that." I sighed.

 "No one's employing?"

    I just nodded not wanting to admit I'd failed.

    He put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll look after you."

    After that he started commentating on the program he was watching, I guess he thought it might cheer me up, it kind of did.

 "Oi Stace, d'you want a sandwich or something." Noel said stood at the living room door with his guitar on his shoulder.

 "Yeah, thanks." I got up and followed him into the kitchen, to get away from Liam telling me about dogs with jobs (a pretty harsh program to put on when most of the audience will be the unemployed) and to help him..

 "Me too." Liam shouted.

 "Make your own, lazy git." Noel responded.

    Noel made our sandwiches and Liam's.

 "You got your guitar to play like you promised?" I sat at the table watching him.

    He just shrugged and made an "mm" sound.

 "Oi twat-face, sandwich!" he shouted as he put our plates on the table and sat down.

 "Fucking eyebrows." Liam smirked as he walked past him, slapping Noel's forehead before going back to the living room with his sandwich.

 "Do you two ever stop fighting?" I couldn't help but laugh.

 "No, we're brothers. Hasn't Billy reached the age where he just wants to piss you off yet?"

 "Er, no, he's kind of a quiet boy."

    He ate a bite of his sandwich. "I was the same with our Paul but I grew up when I was like nine, Liam's just never grown up." he explained. "It cheered you up so, who cares?"

 "How will you two cope in a band together?"

 "We're only messing." he insisted "Probably do each other's nuts in but we'll have all the groupies and shit to distract us. "

 "You know, as the front man, he's going to get all the girls."

 "Are you getting jealous of Liam's future birds?" he teased. "You should tell him how you feel, it's not like anyone else wants him."

 "I don't fancy Liam!" I protested.

 "Look, his death isn't the end for you, you've already met us and started a new life away from your family. You're doing great." he smiled one of those reassuring smiles people do because they have no idea how to react to a grieving person.

 "Can't get even the rubbishest job though."

 "You tried for a few hours, what if we did that? Are we going to give up if the first record company rejects us? Hell no."

    He was right, I was letting my grief crush my determination.

    When he was done with his lunch he played his guitar and started to sing "Hey you! Up in the sky. Learning to fly. Tell me how high. Do you think you'll go. Before you start falling. Hey you! Up in a tree. You wanna be me"

    I loved it, the lyrics were so unusual.

 "It's just lyrics I've been messing about with but I think it's going to be really powerful. y'know." he shrugged. "Called Up in the Sky."

 "Okay, you weren't lying, you're brilliant, that song's brilliant."

Author Note- Liverpool won 3-2 so I pulled me socks up and finished this.

Marković, Gerrard and Balotelli

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