Chapter 12

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    A few days later Liam and I went food shopping. It was unusual because, one- he never went shopping (or contributed to housework) and two- he insisted we walked instead of taking the car.

 "Just cos you're jealous I can drive and you can't." I said as we walked across a playing field.

 "Could if we wanted. Eco-friendly, in't it?"

    I laughed. "I'll remember that next time you want a lift down the street. What's the real reason?"

    It had been raining all morning, the ground was so muddy. No one in their right mind would want to walk in this. To be fair the Mancs are used to it.

 "We'll be famous soon. I won't be able to go anywhere without being crowded by girls." he shrugged.

    I didn't know what to say to that, he was always promising it. That they were going to be bigger than the Beatles (they'd played their songs so much I didn't have to pretend to like most of them anymore) that he was God or John Lennon reincarnated. His head was going to explode when they got an album out.

 "Can't wait." I said sarcastically.

    At that moment I slipped on some mud and face planted into a huge puddle. I quickly got up, hoping no one else saw. I was soaked and covered in mud. My white t-shirt was ruined.

    Liam went to take his shirt off trying his hardest not to laugh.

 "No way, I'm not wearing that." I objected wiping the mud off my chin.

    Naturally he'd chosen to wear his Man City shirt. "You can't wear that one anymore. You'll get ill."

 "Luke'll smite me down." I said pointing up at the sky.

    To them football seemed much more important than anything else, more important than life and death, putting that shirt on meant representing the enemy.

 "Didn't smite us down the other night." he whispered. Then he said words I thought I'd never hear him say. "It's just a shirt."

 "What if I slip again? You'd kill me."

 "Just put the shirt on." I reluctantly did as he said and binned mine.

    As we got into the shop he whispered "Told you I'd get you supporting City or at least wearing the shirt." into my ear.

 "Don't worry, I'll take it off as soon as I get home." I started shopping, making him in charge of the trolley.

 "I can help with that." he smirked.

    He went off down the aisles, riding the trolley every time I took more than two seconds to pick something. I could see why nobody took him shopping, he had no attention span for it.


    We put all the shopping away, he liked that he could take the mick out of me for being shorter than him.

    He grabbed my hand as I went to leave the kitchen. "No one's in and you're gorgeous in that shirt." he said before kissing me.

    I went with it, losing my fingers in his chocolate hair. My hands left his hair and trailled down his back resting on his jeans, teasing him.

    He quickly got me out of my jeans. He teased with only my underwear separating me from his touch. He suddenly pulled my knickers and lifted me onto the dinner table, forcing everything else off. I heard something smash but I was lost in his beautiful blue eyes.

    He got himself out of his jeans. "Who's your footie team?" he whispered in my ear.

    I should have known that was coming. I rolled my eyes. "Live..." he took his hands away.

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