Chapter 18

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 "Oi Stacy." a voice woke me up early in the morning of April 3rd. "What are you doing in Our Kid's bed?" It was noel, he was finally back home.

 "It's the comfiest." I said pulling the duvet a little tighter around me. "And I missed you two." I added in a whisper.

    I'd been using Liam's bed with Noel's pillows since Kenzie stayed.

 "And you've nicked me pillow, give it back." I heard him take his jeans off.

 "No, I need it."

    He said "fine." and climbed in bed with me.

    I attempted to snog him but he stopped it at a kiss. "I'm too friggin' tired, the album and the fucking five hour drive back with Li'."

 "Where is he?"

 "Don't know, don't care." he closed his eyes and very quickly fell asleep, I did the same.

    Hours had passed when I woke up again, I'd slept way more than I needed to. Noel was still sleeping peacefully. I realised just how much I'd missed him.

    I noticed he had morning glory and decided to wake him by making him moan.

 "Eh?" he moaned, he looked confused as though he had no idea whether this was a dream or reality.

    He stunk of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat putting me off. They'd clearly spent all their time cooped up in the studio.

 "Dreaming, aren't I?" he moaned.

    I moved to his ear. "No, I'm real and I need you." I whispered in the sexiest voice I could manage.

 "Don't leave me again." I didn't mean to sound that needy.

 "You chose not to come, now I'm not giving you the choice." he moved down my body, kissing me, making me shiver before going down on me. I grabbed his hair and encouraged him.

 "Say my name." he ordered as he slowed right down, forcing me to do as he said.

 "Noel... Gallagher." I moaned. "My fucking rock star."


 "So is the album done?" I asked as we laid together under the duvet.

 "Definitely maybe."

 "Are you kidding me, you've still not actually finished it?" I couldn't believe how long albums took to get made.

 "No, that's the title, I think. All the songs are done, they're bloody good. It's just the cover art and that." he explained.

 "Good, you won't be getting into fights about studios for a while then?"

 "I never get into fights, me." he denied with a smirk. "Supersonic will be out soon." he said excitedly. "11th, I think."

 "How's that one go?" 'Supersonic' was completely new to me.

 "It's a bit mad really, you know Elsa?"

    The only Elsa I could think of was a big, farty dog he said one of the techs brought into the studio. "The rottweiler?"

 "Yeah, it's about her." he grinned.

    I couldn't wait to hear it.


    Unfortunately for Thora, her name stuck. She was registered as Thora Leigh McCarroll, she already had a bit of a celebrity kid name before her parents had the chance to become celebrities.

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