Chapter 25

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    I woke up the next morning laid against Noel. We'd stayed up ages, chatting all night long until we'd fallen asleep. I didn't want to move so I sat and thought about the dream I had.

    In the dream I became a journalist or something, writing just for Oasis, getting them articles in all the best magazines. Reviewing all their new music, not having to wait until the general release like they usually made me do. Being able to go to every single gig, watching them rise to The Beatles' level of celebrity. It felt amazing but now I was awake, all that just seemed isolating and it was ridiculous, I always hated English at school.

    When the hands of my clock were approaching ten, I decided I had to get up and I had to wake Noel. I kissed his his lips and saw him opening his eyes as little as he could to see who it was.

 "Morning." I smiled.

    He let out a sigh of relief. "Thought it was Liam for a moment, fucking hell." he sat up and quickly kissed my lips. "Time is it?"

 "Ten, we need to get ready for Newcastle." It wasn't just Newcastle, it was ten days away we hadn't packed for or anything.

 "Stop the clock, let your love lay me down." he said and kissed me, trying to get me to lay back down with him.

    I kissed him back. "We really don't have time, especially since you're insisting Kenzie has to go with us."

 "Yeah, get your stuff packed then go help Kenzie." he left the room before I had the chance to argue how unlikely it was that Kenzie was going to be joining us.


    When I got to Kenzie's, she was already packing.

 "Where are you going?"

 "Oh my God, Tony would not stop going on about it. kept threatening to refuse to go if I didn't. He's gone nappy shopping with Thora." she explained, sounding so excited.

 "Oh thank fuck! Noel sent me over here to try to force you to come, to make Tony happy. Is she coming or not?"

 "Tony's parents are having her. We've bought everything she needs and packed her a load of clothes so she should be alright." she pointed to an already packed suitcase.

 "Have you told Tony about the...?"

 "Not yet, I'll tell him when we get back. I'll be two months by then." she was so scared of losing it even though she drank at the start of Thora's pregnancy and she was fine.


    When I got back to the Gallagher house with Kenzie and Tony, Noel was carrying the suitcases down the stairs with his guitar on his back, he'd probably been playing it all while I was gone.

 "You're supposed to have the guitar in the van already!" I complained.

 "Want it in the car with me, don't I?" he dumped the cases right by the front door.

 "What makes you think me, Kenzie and whoever else is going in the Beemer wants to put up with you messing with it all the way to Newcastle?" I grinned so he didn't get annoyed.

 "Good job I love you or you'd be in trouble with comments like that." he commented. "Are you making dinner?"

 "I've got to go fill up the Gas Guzzler. Anyone want anything from the shop?" My latest nickname for the BMW.

 "Monster Munch and fags." Noel said and I went off to the petrol station.


    A few people came and watched Oasis do their sound check. Kenzie and Liam had gotten bored of it ages ago and had gone to the dressing room. I soon got bored as well and went to join them, there's only so much practicing bits of songs you can put up with.

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