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Chapter 17


Two months later~

I watched him slowly fall out of love with me. It was painful, but I pretended it wasn't. Everyone thought I still didn't remember a thing about Cameron and I, but I did. I remembered every tear, every lie, every kiss, every touch. I remembered everything there was to remember about our relationship. But he suffered a total of three months waiting for me, sometimes people can't wait any longer. I remembered the day everything came back to me, I remember it so well. It kills me everyday.

'I'll never let you go, I'll never try less to make you smile. I'll hold you, if you promise you'll hold me.'
It was our song. It rang through the speakers of his house as the party slowed down. I glanced around looking for him, but I wish I didn't. Her name was Penelope, Cameron knew her from school. She was gorgeous, blonde hair and blue eyes. Every guy's dream it seemed like. I froze at the top of the stairs, all my friends were watching them. I turned around quickly as they leaned in and smiled at each other. I ran out the door and down the street. I remembered everything and I was a mess. Dev found me later that night curled up in a ball in her bedroom. I waited for her to come home, she tried to comfort me but I never told her why. I said someone was going through a hard time in my family, she believed me.
If only she knew it was something much worst than that, heartbreak is a killer.

(End of flashback)

I remember now that it was Halloween and Cameron was hosting the party. He told me to dress like Cinderella and he could be my Prince Charming. I agreed, but I guess there was another Cinderella he was chasing after that night. I never told him, so he never thought anything of it. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and we didn't speak. I finally realized he gave up. Our group became smaller and smaller because everyone was going off doing their own things. It was Jack and Jack, Aaron, Kenny, Sam, Nash, Cam, Dev and me now. Dev broke it off completely with Matt after he went his own way, he was going to propose to her the same night she broke it off. They haven't seen each other since, everything seemed to be falling apart these days. I felt like my past was just reapeating, I felt like I was in a story that would never have a resolution. Dev and I still lived together but somehow through my nights of crying, she never found out.

*Present Time*

Later Dev came home and asked if I wanted to go to dinner with the guys. I told her no, but she made me anyways. I got dressed quickly as she rushed me out the door. We pulled into Cameron's parking garage and I froze.
"What are we doing here?" I asked her.
"Dinner is at Cameron's." She said parking.
"Why didn't you tell me that?" I asked her panicking on the inside.
She turned the car off and looked at me.
"I didn't think you would care," she laughed.
I didn't laugh.
"You think I wouldn't care because I can't remember shit right?" I asked her heartbroken.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Forget it, nothing matters anymore anyways." I told her slamming the car door.
But I was right nothing mattered anymore and when I walked into Cam's kitchen to see her again I knew for sure. I knew they'd been seeing each other for the past months but I've never seen them together. Jack and Jack welcomed me first along with Madison Beer who I heard was now with G. It felt like everyone had someone these days and I was left in the dark. G had Madison, Kenny had Dev, Nash had this blonde chick who nobody knew, Sam had this other girl I'd never met before and Cameron had Penelope. Johnson kept to himself and I respected that, I don't see a future for Johnson and I other than friends. He probably saw that too. I looked around and was met with her eyes, she smiled and walked over to me.
"Hi you must be Julia!" She said smiling really big.
I put on a smile and shook her hand.
"Hi you must be Penelope, I've heard so much about you."
She smiled and lead me to the kitchen. Little did she know I already knew where it was. I saw Cameron cooking and melted a little inside, I love when he does that. I mean I loved when he did that. Dev walked in and went straight to Kenny. I probably ruined her night, I felt bad but I left it alone. I went in the living room to see Sam and Dillion with Sam's girlfriend.
"Well if it isn't DJ Rupp," I smiled.
He laughed and hugged me.
"It's been a while huh?" He laughed sitting back down next to me.
"Too long," I sighed.
We went on to talk about the past months and how my memory was. I told him little pieces of things were coming back, little did he know I had it all back. I always told Dillion and Matt everything, but now that Matt wasn't talking to me again I kept to myself. Shawn was busy so I never saw him, he didn't have time for us. Dinner was served an hour later and we ate in the dining room. Penelope seemed really sweet, but Cameron was always into fast moving relationships it looked like, they were all over each other. It had only been two months since they first saw each other again, right now it seemed they have had been dating for years. I couldn't stand watching it anymore and excused myself to go to the bathroom.
"Oh it's the last door-"
"On the left, I know thanks." I told Penelope.
She nodded and smiled at Cameron. He watched me as I walked away. I made my way down the hallway and into the bathroom. As I walked in I was met by tons of boxes stacked in the corner. I closed the door and walked over to them. I opened the first one and saw pink towels and shampoo. The next one was hair products, they were not Cameron's. It finally struck me what they were and my breathing hitched. They were living together. If the pain from the past year hurt, well damn did this sting. I didn't need to use the bathroom anymore, I opened the door and walked through the dining room. I stopped and looked at Cameron.
"Everything came back to me two months ago, and I really wish it hadn't. Without you in my life I would have been so much more happier. I wish I never met you, I wish I never met any of you, because I really really hate feeling like this." I said.

I turned around and walked out the door of his apartment without a single tear messing up my makeup.

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