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Chapter 7


I remember it like it was yesterday. Our vacations together to that one night that you asked me something. I remember the way your eyes were a little puffy in the morning, and remember the way your arms felt tangled with mine. I remember the day I cried over having no one and you held me like a baby, whispering little things. I remember the way you smelled when you held me close. I remember the way you always tried to hide your face from me when you cried. I remember the sound of how you laughed. I remember how nervous I got when you made me blush. I remember how you always embarrassed me in front of our friends. I remember the way you used to kiss my nose and then my lips before leaving. I remember when you left me you kissed me on the forehead and left. I remember when I faked being dead. I remember the pain you caused me. It's the same pain I feel now sitting on this plane remember you.
2 Months Earlier~

"You didn't have to take me to Hawaii Cam," I laughed as we sat on the beach together.
"I did because I love you and you've always wanted to come here," he smiled at me.
I smiled at him and pecked his lips.
"How is it we're so in love?" Cameron whispered in my ear.
I bit my lip and smiled at him.
"I don't know Cameron, how?" I asked him.
He looked me in the eyes and said, "because we were made for each other."
"Prove it," I laughed.
He got up and held his hand out for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. He slightly pointed to something behind me. I turned to see what he was pointing at. 4 surfboards were held saying things. I looked closer and gasped.

Will. You. Marry. Me?

Remember when you asked me to marry you Cam?

Remember when I said no...

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