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Chapter 4

Matt's POV-

"Dude I'm not even kidding, this girl looked exactly like Julia." Shawn ranted over the phone.
"She-she had blue eyes and-and-and blonde hair man but she was Julia," he stuttered.
"Shawn breathe," I told him.
He took a deep breath and sighed.
"When are you getting here?" He asked.
"Jack, Jack, Cam, Nash, Hayes, Mandy, Dev, Maya and I are about to get on the plane. Aaron and Reyna are coming early tomorrow morning." I explained.
"Damn it's gonna be great seeing you all again," he smiled over the phone.
"We miss ya Shawn," I told him.
"Alright I'll let you go Matt, see ya guys when you land." He said.
"You'll be there to pick us up yeah?" I asked.
"You know it man," he replied.
"See ya," I told him.

"SHAWN!" I yelled as I ran over to him.
"What's up Matt," he said hugging me.
The rest of the guys greeted and hugged Shawn as the driver packed our things in the small bus. As the guys were getting on I pulled Shawn, Dev, Maya, and Mandy aside.
"Did you tell Cam yet about the whole Julia thing?" I whispered.
"Nah man, I don't wanna jinx him or anything. I'm gonna see if it's her before we tell anyone anything." He explained to me, "but it looks like you already told some people yeah?"
"It's her best friends they deserve to know," I defended.
"Yeah Shawn," Maya said.
Ever since Maya and Shawn had that nasty brake up, it's been hell when they are together.
"How the hell are you gonna find her again?" Dev asked changing the subject.
"I think this will work," he said pulled something out of his back pocket.
There on the front was a blonde haired, blue eyes Julia.
"Holy shit," Mandy whispered.
"You guys coming?" Hayes shouted.
"Yeah," I yelled.
"I know man, scary shit." He told me.
We got into the bus and everyone started talking.

But Shawn, the girls and I were speechless.

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