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Chapter 15

"Do you know these people?" He asked.
"Mom, Mandy, Dev, Maya, Shawn, Matt," she said smiling.
Her mom was crying.
"Julia oh my god we were so worried," I said going to hug her.
She jumped at me walking towards her, I stopped.
"Ju?" I asked.
"Who are you?"

A month. It's been a month since Julia forgot me. A month since the night my heart broke. I guess it was my fault, I mean I'm the one who broke her in the first place. How could she remember everyone but me? I mean she said I meant so much to her, she told me she loved me. So why am I the only one she forgot? Was she kidding? Was this all a joke? Well I asked myself that question for a month now. It wasn't a joke. This wasn't a dream. This is reality. I remember the day she told forgot me like it was yesterday, I relived it every day when I used to go see her at the hospital. About 3 days ago she got to go home, and I haven't seen her since.
One month ago
"Who are you?" She questioned.
I looked at everyone around the room before I answered her. They all were shocked beyond belief. Did they think she was joking too?
"Julia I'm Cameron, I'm the guy you're in love with." I told her.
"Cameron? I don't think I know that name." She whispered.
"You guys dated, and then broke up. Remember you went to London for a while, then you came back to be with Cameron?" Her mother asked her.
She shook her head no and looked down.
"Why did we break up?" She asked me.
"What?" I asked her.
She repeated her question again, although I already knew what she asked.
"Let's give them some privacy okay!" Her mom said pushing everyone out.
I sat in the seat next to her bed.
"We broke up because I was a dick. I never told you how much you meant to me. I never really tried to be in a relationship with you." I told her.
A tear slipped down my face and she wiped it away with her thumb.
"Why did I leave?" She asked.
"To get away from me," I told her.
"Are you gonna hurt me?" She asked scared.
"I'd never hurt you," I told her.
She smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Do you still love me?" She asked.
"Always have, always will." I whispered to her.
She smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Cameron right?" She asked.
I nodded.
"I hope I remember you," she whispered.
"Me too." I whispered back.
•Present Day•
I was on my way to Julia's with Shawn and Matt. The boys had all gone back to California after the accident, but I stayed with Dev at her place. Julia was going to move in with them next month, I mean she remembered everything about them. I drove fast as Shawn was excited to get to see Julia after being in Cali for a month. As I pulled into her driveway, they both hopped out greeting Julia who was sitting outside. She ran up to them and gave them a hug. I got out and walked over, she smiled and have me a friendly hug.
"Hey Cam," she smiled.
"Hey Julia." I smiled back.
She blushed a bit and sat down. Dev had told me she talked about me all the time and how she thought I was super cute and stuff. Somehow she just couldn't remember I used to do the same thing about her.
"Come eat lunch Cam!" She yelled waving me in.
"Okay," I said walking her way.
We all sat down and made small talk. I wish she would remember me and all the things we used to talk about.
He was so cute, so sweet! Why couldn't I remember anything he tried telling me about? He said I loved him, but did I? Dev showed me pictures and I couldn't believe they were real? How did I once end up with someone this perfect? Was I ever going to remember him?

i'll admit i loved you - sequelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя