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Chapter 14

The road was bumpy and the rain was pounding on my windshield. Water shot up around me like a hurricane as I drove through the flooded streets. Another sappy love song was on the radio about the night changing. Tears blurred my vision as I tried to change it. My phone was nonstop ringing beside me. It was Dev, then Matt, then Shawn, then Cameron.
I was going at least 60 miles per hour in a 25 speed zone. Cameron's name popped up on my screen again and I finally grabbed it, preparing to say goodbye.

J- Cameron.
J- Stop what?
C- Please stop the car let me explain.
J- There's nothing to explain Cameron.
C- Julia we are right behind you in the car. Please just stop.
J- It's too late Cam.
C- At least explain before you do it why.
J- You.
C- What do you remember about me? Why do it over me? Do you remember my eyes?
J- Yes, I still remember the color of your eyes, and yes I miss your smile, but someday they won't be anything more than a fading memory-and that's what I'm scared of.
C- What are you scared of?
J- I'm scared of letting you go, because you were everything I've ever wanted, and everything I still want, and maybe I won't get to tell you this face to face, but I think I might have loved you, and I really, really hope that you might have loved me, too.
C- I loved you more than anything.
J- You never said it. This world is so messed up.
C- Why?
J- The problem with our world is they tell us it's okay to make mistakes because we're human, but if you fail at something then it's all your fault and that it's wrong.
C- Julia I loved you so much.
J- You loved me. You don't love me.
C- Julia stop the car and I'll tell you in person how I feel about you.
J- I want you to miss me.
C- Julia please no!
J- I want you to fucking miss me. I want you to think about me when you're high as fuck and nothing is right. I want you to think of me in the best times and the most inconvenient times. I want you to scream my name and cry at the thought of losing me.
C- Julia p-please I can't lose you.
J- But you don't. You don't miss me. You don't give a shit that I laid on my bedroom floor crying. My head is spinning with your name and your face. You were out there having the time of your life while I'm ready to run onto the freeway.
C- I love you Julia please stop.
J- I was always told to save my heart for someone who leaves me breathless, and goddamn it, I haven't been able to breathe since I met you.
J- Sometimes I don't want things to get better, sometimes I wish people didn't care so I could kill myself without feeling bad. Does that make me a shit person?
C- No.
J- I love you.
C- Why do it over that?
J- Because it's painful to see you love someone else.
C- I only want you.
J- It's too late.
C- Ju-
J- Goodbye Cameron
C- JU-

I threw my phone down and drove faster. The highway was less then a mile away.
'Julia what are you doing!'
'He loves you!'
'Stop the car!'
I stopped the car, I was now on the highway. I couldn't see anything out my window. I opened the door to see a pair of lights, then I felt nothing.
Cameron's POV:
Julia stopped her car. I was a mess. I climbed over and opened the jeep door to run over to her, she opened her door the same time I did. I smiled at her until I heard a loud horn. A semi-truck was coming and he couldn't stop. Next thing I know I saw Julia's car go flying down the ditch on the side of the highway.
~2 Months Later~
"Fans of internet sensation Julia Walts were devastated this morning to learn more information on her condition. Walts was reported early this morning as brain dead. Her accident was 2 months ago, where a semi lost control from a storm. She has been in a coma ever since. Her ex-boyfriend Cameron Dallas releases more information about her official unplugging later this week."

I shut off the tv in Julia's room as she lay there motionless. The same way she's been for 2 months.
"Cameron?" Mandy asked coming in.
I got up and hugged her, she had just found out the news.
"She's gonna be better up there," she whispered.
I nodded sobbing in her chest.
"When?" She asked whispering.
"Tomorrow," I whispered back.
"I have to go, her mom really needs someone. Say goodbye yeah?" She told me.
I nodded. She left.
"Julia," I said grabbing her hand.
"I love you more than anything in this world. I'm sorry I never told you that." I whispered to her.
"I know you're gonna be in a better place but I just need you to know-"
She moved.
"Julia?" I asked again.
Her hand moved.
"DOCTOR!" I screamed.
Everyone came rushing in.
"Stand back Mr. Dallas,"the doctor said.
I stood up and watched. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around.
"Julia?" The doctor asked.
She nodded.
"Welcome back. Do you know where you are?" He asked.
She shook her head.
"Do you know these people?" He asked.
"Mom, Mandy, Dev, Maya, Shawn, Matt," she said smiling.
Her mom was crying.
"Julia oh my god we were so worried," I said going to hug her.
She jumped at me walking towards her, I stopped.
"Ju?" I asked.

"Who are you?"

The End.

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