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Chapter 18


I went after her that night she ran out of my apartment. By the time I got to her, it was too late. They said she was crying, the tears blurred her vision. They said she was in an emotional state and shouldn't have been left alone, it was my fault. I remember screaming her name at the last second trying to get her to move out of the way, she didn't. The truck couldn't stop in time, it hit her and she died instantly. This time I saw it all happen and she couldn't fake her death, she was really gone. I remember racing to her side and holding her lifeless body in my arms. I was a mess, my tears mixed with hers as I clung to everything I wished I never had left. Dev and the guys came minutes later and saw me, they said nothing. People on the streets were staring, then the ambulance. I remember them trying to take her out of my grasp, I was screaming at them. A few police officers had to hold me back as they took her body away. She wasn't sent to a hospital, they sent her right to the funeral place. Yes, the funeral. That's why everyone is gathered here today. Not for our wedding, but for a funeral. Julia's real one.
Her mom and dad sat in the front row along with her brothers. Everything seemed dark today, and just like in movies..it was pouring rain outside. I wish I could say that there was any color but black at this funeral, but black was the only color I saw. Everyone was hanging their heads low. Matt and Shawn had shown up, along with all of the other girls. We all sat together in silence, no one knew what to say.
"Now a few words in Julia's memory from her best friend." The Father said.
Dev stood up from beside me and walked slowly to the front. She pulled out a slip of paper and looked at it. She looked at me and put it back.
She took a deep breath about to say something, but then bit down on her lip. Her lip trembled but she remained tearless.
"Last night I was alone in the apartment Julia and I once shared. I went in her room and saw it was messy like always. Naturally I would have started to clean it up for her, but last night I didn't touch anything." Her lip trembled as her eyes got watery. Her voice got higher and she continued, "You don't truly realize how much you care about a person until they are gone, and last night proved that. If she was gonna come home that night I would have been waiting for her just so I could yell at her for that mess. Last night I waited for her, but she never came. Somehow her mess was always a sense of comfort for me, because waiting there for her, I knew she would walk through that door. I could go on to talk about all the things we did when we were younger, but only she would laugh if I told you. She wasn't my best friend, she was my sister. God she was my other half...now that she's gone, I'm only half of me. I know she did so many stupid things, but in the end think about all the good things she brought. Her smile could light up the whole room, I loved that. I loved her very much and I know how much she was suffering these past months. I think God made the right decision of bringing her home because she's in peace now. If she were here still, I'd hug her even more than I ever did." She stopped and looked up, "I hope the big guy is treating you alright Ju."
She stepped down and walked back, this time she walked to Matt and sat by him. She cried into his shoulder.
"Cameron," her mother said.
I looked up and nodded. I got up and walked to the front. I looked around before taking a deep breath.
"I met Julia only a year ago, we were on tour together at the time. I first saw her at the hotel and I was blown away by her beauty. I could stand up here all day and talk about how much I enjoyed being around her. When she kissed me I can swear on it right now, I felt like my heart was going to explode. She was something that no one could ever replace." I paused and looked back at my friends.
"In our lives, we all make mistakes. Looking at my friends there is something I wish I could take back looking at every single one of them. I would take back everything I said to Nash, I would spend more time with Matt and Shawn. I would take back not visiting Kenny more up in Washington. I look at my mom and wish I would go visit her more. The last months, I've only thought about me. Julia taught me to care about everyone. I wish I would have cared more about her. I never said it to her but if she was still here breathing next to me," I stopped and looked up and then at Dev.
"I'd admit I loved her."
Dev smiled and nodded closing her eyes at me. Tears fell freely down her face, because we both knew that's what she's always wanted. To be loved.

"And Ju," I said looking up at the sky. "I'll never stop."

The End.

i'll admit i loved you - sequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora