An Arranged Marriage... Man I Am Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 44

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School has started up again and I have been throwing myself into studying. Not because I needed, but because it was the perfect excuse as to why I was alienating myself from everyone. It was also a really good distraction.

"Come in," I said after I heard someone knock on my door. I didn't even look up out of the text book to further acknowledge the person.

"Leandra you have to eat something," Kelly said coming to stand beside me at my desk.

"I'm not that hungry," I said with my nose still buried in the text.

"No, you haven't eaten anything substantial in days and unless you want to end up in the hospital hooked up to all those machines again I suggest you get your ass up out of this chair and come get something to eat with me," She said.

"Oh you just don't fight fair, you just had to bring the hospital into this didn't you,"

"It worked," she laughed as she saw me get up out of the chair and follow her into the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen and I saw Gabriel with his head laying on the island counter, it looked like he hasn't slept or showered in a couple of day.

"Wow, I don't think I can eat with that smelly trash right there," I said pointing to Gabriel who was beginning to stir.

"Leandra!" he shouted startled before he fell off of the chair.

"Smooth move ex-lax," I said turning away from him and towards the fridge. I decided that I was in the mood for a nice fried egg sandwich with bacon and all that good stuff.

Figure if I am going to eat I am going to eat well...

As I was cooking Gabriel had gotten back into his chair and was now staring at me.

"Are you hoping that if you stare long enough I will just turn around and jump you?" I asked still focusing on my food.

"Well that is what I was picturing," he said quietly, I don't think I was supposed to hear it.

"Well keep imagining it because it will never happen, I gave you your one chance and you f*cked it up, granted you didn't initiate it, if I didn't walk in I am pretty sure you would have ended it all the same," I said grabbing my finished food and began walking out of the kitchen, "If you want a good f*ck I suggest you call you whore back up. I am pretty sure she would love that."

I went back up to my room where I could eat my food in peace... or so I thought.

"You don't have to be so mean to him," Kelly said walking into my room.

Sh!t I forgot that she was down there too... oh well.

"And he didn't have to make out with Tiffany, I guess we are even," I said.

"That wasn't his fault and you know it, why do you think acting like a b!tch is going to protect your heart. We both know that you have just put cement around the still broken pieces, that you can still feel that helplessness that you felt that night," She said, I hated it when she made me realize what I was truly feeling.

"If it was Kevin and you, how would you go about handling it?" I asked staring at her.


"How would you react if you saw him pinning a half dressed whore against a wall, her legs wrapped around his waist and the bulge in his pants already apparent. Do you think that you could just forget and just stay with him being all happy and sh!t. Or do you think that image would play through you head every time you saw the f*cker," I yelled at her, trying to get her to realize just how helpless I felt right now.

"............." she just sat their staring at me.

"Exactly, don't go trying to give me advice on sh!t you know nothing about," I said to her.

"I'm sorry, its just.... You were happy, for the first time since I first met you you were truly happy. I just wish you could go back to that. I don't want to loose you, you are my best friend and I am just afraid that you are going to protect your heart so much you aren't going to let anyone in. Even me..." She said the last part in a small voice.

"Oh Kelly," I said running over and pulling her into a big hug, "I could never do that to you. I trust you with my life and know that you would never do anything to hurt me. And believe me, I can't you loose you either."

"Hey why don't we call up Jessica and go clubbing tonight. Have fun like in the good old days," she said releasing herself from my hug.

"Yeah I will call her now," i said grabbing my phone and calling her.

"Hey Jessica, Kelly and I were wondering if you wanted to come clubbing with us..... Don't worry I have something that you can wear... okay then just come right up to my room and we will get ready their... See you in a few then," I hung up and turned to Kelly.

"We have to make sure tonight is strictly fun, nothing is going to go wrong for once," i said to her as I walked into my closet and grabbed some good clubbing outfits.

"Wow, in cloths like that we are definitely going to have a good time," She said grabbing her cloths and heading into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup for the night.

Jessica walked into the room and instantly looked at the cloths that I wanted her to wear.

"I am not going clubbing in that, I will look like a slut," she said shocked.

"That is partly the point, but come on we will make sure you look like a classy slut," I said as I pushed her in the bathroom so that Kelly could do her hair and makeup while I got ready out in the main room.

After about and hour and a half we were all ready to go and I have got to say that we looked like a bunch of pretty heart b!tches.

"I think there are going to to be some hearts broken tonight," Jessica said as we descended the stairs into the living room where all the guys were sitting around staring at the TV. That is until we walked in. Simultaneously their jaws hit the floor as they took in our appearance. Derrick was the first to recover.

"Where are you guys going dressed like that because i am pretty sure that that where I want to be," He said looking us all up and down.

"You...You... You.. guys look amazing," Adam stuttered out, he spent most of his time looking at Jessica. I made a mental note to talk to her about it after I noticed a small blush evident on her cheeks.

"We are heading out, don't expect us to be back till late," I said linking arms with Kelly and Jessica and made our way out of the room till Gabriel jumped in front of me, "Can you please get out of my way."

"You are not going anywhere dressed like that, weather you like it or not you are still known to everyone as my fiance and I will not have you be seen around town looking like that," he said trying to lay down the law. That just pissed me off.

"I am pretty sure you lost all the right to saw that sh!t when you had Tiffany pinned against a wall. So why don't you stand aside before I f*cking make you," I said with him knowing fully that I will go through with my threat to remove him from my path.

Hesitantly he stepped out of my way and we passed him, but not before I added, "Thanks for letting us use your car."

We all got into his car and I drove out of the driveway and towards one of the higher end clubs. The bouncer let us right in after one look, making some of the other people mad.

Its not my fault you guys don't know how to work the clubs...

We walked in and I instantly went and got myself a drink.

I am going to have a fun time tonight... I thought as I quickly finished the drink and made my way to the dance floor.

An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant