An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 9

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I woke up with Jesse cuddled right next to me. He was basically spooning me, he had his arm around my waist and his head was burrowed into my back.

Using my tight ninja skills I managed to maneuver my way out of his grasp and climbed off the end of the bed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was eight in the morning. That really sucked since I went to bed about five hours ago.

I trudged over to the bathroom and ran a quick brush through my hair, trying to get it all going in one direction. I washed my face and then headed down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I didn't really think that anyone would be up at this hour, but Gabriel was at the island in the kitchen.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked him, to lazy to try and think of some sarcastic comment about it.

"Couldn't sleep," was all he said. I went to gather ingredients so that I could make a ham and cheese omelet.

"What are you doing up, and what are you making?" He asked looking at all of the things on the counter.

"Well, I couldn't sleep because Jesse kept hogging the bed and I am making a ham and cheese omelet, why you want one," I asked already cooking mine.

"Yeah since you offered," he said trying to act casually.

I made the two omelets and just as we finished eating them Adam and Derrick walked down the stairs. Following them was a tired looking Kira and Jesse, who was still wearing that stupid grin on his face.

"Hey what you making for breakfast?" Adam said sitting next to Gabriel.

"Well, for you Adam, I will be making cereal, I am really good at it."

"Well, thats just mean, I can make my own cereal. I was hoping you would make me something special..." He said giving me that most amazing puppy dog eyes.

"Awwww... Are you not just the cutest thing ever, now I am going to make you something special," As I said this a smile spread across his face, "how about some toast and butter."

Everyone laughed at him and his cheeks turned the lightest shade of red. Just at that moment Tiffany walked down the stairs.

"Well, aren't you a beautiful sight in the morning. I mean you should really go back up there and put your mask on again," I said, good I got my sarcastic ways back.

Tiffany didn't say anything back she just went and sat down beside Gabriel and gave him a nice sloppy wet kiss. I swear it almost brought my omelet back up.

"Well, as much as I would love to become, bulimic how about we find something else to do. I mean this is a big house there has got to be something to do," I said cleaning up the kitchen and putting all of the stuff away.

"Well, there is a pool, we could all go swimming," Derrick suggested.

"But I don't have a bathing suit here any more," Kira said.

"Yeah and I didn't just buy like five of them. Where ever are we going to find you one to wear," I said pretending to think really hard.

"Ha ha you are very funny. You must think you are the best," She said with a cheeky grin on her face.

"No, I don't think I am the best, I KNOW that I am the best. I mean can you find anyone that even compares to me," I asked them.

After a long discussion that I didn't see coming, they finally decided that I was one of a kind. That they probably couldn't find another person like me. After that was over I went and got a bathing suit for myself and Kira and she was going to show me to the pool.

I was wearing a black bikini with a pair of board shorts, while Kira was wearing a black one piece bathing suit with only one strap on the right shoulder.

She lead us out to the pool and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

There was a hot tub beside the pool that was lined with rocks, making it look almost like a natural hot springs. There was room to swim under the rock water fall and even a little room where you can sit in privacy. I was like a mythical looking pool, I was just in love with it.

"Dude this is the most amazing pool. Why haven't you shown me this before? This is definitely my most favouritist place," I said after every one got here.

I turned and looked at Tiffany and I couldn't help but comment on her bathing suit. I was a strapless top bikini, it looked like a strip of cloth across her breasts and that was it, not including the thong like bottoms. 

"Wow Tiffany way to leave something to the imagination," I said. I mean in that thing if she just moved the wrong way things were going to fall out. That is just not right.

"Yeah... Well... Way to..... Oh just go to hell," she yelled at me then put her hands on her hips in what I think was supposed to be a threatening gesture.

We were in the pool when it was decided that we were going to do some chicken fights.

"Oh come on thats not fair there are four guys and three girls one of the guys is going to be left out," I said, I really didn't like chicken fights so I was trying to find a way out of it.

"How about the first girl to be knocked off then gets a second chance with the guy that is left out," Derrick decided. I think he was exited to have a half naked wet chick riding around on his shoulders.

It was finally decided that I was with Adam, Kira was with Derrick and Tiffany was with Gabriel. Jesse was the guy that was left out.

The first round I was fighting with Kira when I felt a hand on my back untying the top of me bikini, I managed to block the goods before anyone saw them.

"What the f*ck!!!" I yelled and turned around to see Tiffany with a nice smirk on her face.

"Way to leave something to the imagination," she quoted still wearing that stupid smirk. I didn't really want to beat her ass in, so we decided that we were going to try the chicken fight one more time. Like I said, the guys just love having us ride around on there shoulders.

I was now with Jesse, because he wanted to have a turn. I was once again fighting Kira again when something hit me hard in the side. I fell off of Jesse's shoulder and to bad for me we were to close to the edge.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I was just watching the edge of the pool come closer and closer to my head. The next thing I knew everything had gone black.

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