An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 15

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"Thank you so much for standing up for me, I must say it has been a while since anyone has really talk to me, let alone help me. Though it is not going to help your status. Oh my name is Jessica by the way," She said holding her hand out so that I could shake it.

I shook it then went back to eating my lunch, but Gabriel just had to come and ruin it.

"What did you do now?" he said coming up and sitting beside me.

"Well, I was just standing up for what I believe in. My mother told me that I should ALWAYS stand up for what I believe in. That and I can never keep my mouth shut, you should know that by now," I said still trying to eat.

"Wow, Leandra you're getting quite a name for yourself. What the hell did you do now?" Adam said also coming and sitting down with the others not far behind.

"You should have seen it. Within five minutes she had put Kaleb in his place, for once in his miserable f*cking life," Jessica said drawing their attention to her.

"I don't think I know you, have we met before," Derrick asked her.

"Why would you know me. We just had two out of three classes together today and I have been in your classes for about three years. No, I decided that I didn't want to date Kaleb and he took that to heart. So I became a no one, everyone ignored me and decided to take Kaleb's side. Even you guys who hate everything about him," Jessica said, I think I encouraged her to stand up for herself.

"You guys seriously did that, ignored her because that was the thing to do that day. You guys are horrible," I said, I hate when people follow the crowd, even when it is against everything that they trust, "Well it's a good thing that I came when I did then."

No body really said anything after that, lunch was over and now I was heading to Biology with Jessica. I walked into the room and every stopped what they were dong when they saw who I was walking with.

"Hey look at that I just learned how to freeze time. Now that is going on my resume," I said then sitting near the back with Jessica sitting on my right.

"Leandra what are you doing?" Parker said sitting down on my left.

"I am righting a wrong, Jessica didn't deserve anything and anyone who believes she did should not come any where near me. I will kick your f*cking @sses and that is a promise not a threat," I said loud enough so that the whole class could hear me.

That class was so slow, not only because it was biology and the teacher was one of the ones that try to be funny but really suck at it. But because everyone was looking at me, as if they were trying to size me up.

"Thank god its time for Gym. Maybe some physical activities will allow me to relieve some of this stress," I said walking towards the gym with Jessica and Kira.

"You want to relieve stress I know a great way," Jesse said coming up behind us.

"Really wow, does it involve us going towards the nearest janitors closet," I said turning and looking at him.

"No, I prefer the Stacks in the library," He retaliated.

"Touche, but I am still not going to sleep with you, sorry," then I walked into the girls change rooms with Kira and Jessica laughing, "okay what the hell is so funny?"

"You are. How the hell do you come up with the things that come out of your mouth?" Jessica finally got out.

"I think I mentioned this before, I just kind of say what pops into my brain. Man these gym strips are just ugly as hell," I said rolling up the shorts.

"I wouldn't do that, Mrs. Zelasky gets pissed when girls do that. She has some issues with that," Kira warned me as we walked out of the gym.

Most of my friends were in this class, sad thing was so it Kaleb.

"Hey you with the rolled up shorts, change that or get out of this class," I'm assuming Mrs. Zelasky said.

"Well, sorry but I hate trying to run around with my crotch down around my knees," I said looking down at her.

Man this chick is short.

"Thats it your choice is unroll the shorts or fifty push ups. If you make it through all fifty push ups you can keep your shorts the way they are," She said smirking.

I guess there aren't many girls in this school that can do that many push ups.

I got down and started my pushups, with Mrs. Zelasky counting them.

"Oh yeah I should have mentioned the fact that I was in Gymnastics for ten years, dance for seven and am a black belt in Karate. Fifty push ups is nothing," And with that I continued. A couple of minutes later I was done my push ups.

"You were in gymnastics for ten years, have you ever thought about cheer leading?" Mrs. Zelasky asked after I was done.

"Hmm... I will think about it, it has been awhile since I have done anything like that," I said, then we had to start our warm ups.

"You think you are so special just because you can do fifty push ups?" Kaleb said running beside me on the outside track.

"No, I think I am special because I can do a double twist into a backflip and land perfectly fine," I said giving him a little smirk.

"Prove it," He said giving me a smirk back.

With that I gave a little bit extra into my running and with that I went into a back hand spring double twist back flip and landed just fine.

"There how was that for you," I said as he caught up with me again.

"Wow you really do think you are something special. You are just too full of your self," He said.

"I am full of myself. You are the one who said, and I quote 'I run this school'. Now if that isn't stuck on yourself then I don't know what is. But don't worry, I know you are just trying to compensate for the fact that you have such a small dick," and with that I sprinted off and finished the mile run.

"What the f*ck did you just say to me," Kaleb said running at me with the rest of the class close behind.

"Oh you heard me, you are trying to compensate for the fact that you have a small dick. Thats why you act so strong and masculine," I said noticing that we were gathering quite a crowd.

"You better shut your mouth, or you are gong to regret ever coming to this school," he tried to threaten me.

"Oh trust me I already do. Though it would be better if you weren't hear, huh, almost bearable," I said with a very convincing sarcastic nod.

He tried to take a swing at me and before I could retaliate Gabriel stood in front of me.

"I would watch yourself Perginson," He said, looking rather hot.

"Like wise Stephens, and what ever your last name is,"

"Wow, way to save your ass, and the last name is Mildridge, if you must really know," and with that he walked away, "well that was fun, what are we going to do now."

An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz