An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 25

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Good thing I was smart enough to set an alarm before I got to into the movie last night. It went off and i got up and had a quick shower and got ready before I woke every one up.

Eventually I was able to wake everyone up, I got to tell you that some of these guys are not morning people. After a while everyone was ready and Gabriel, Kevin, Kelly and i were riding to school in Gabriels car. I was filling them in on the life at the school.

"If there is anything you need to know its that Kaleb Perginson is a selfish, horny, stuckup Jack@ss and we hate his guts. Lets just say I have put him in his place more than once and he keeps coming back for more. I am pretty sure he is just hoping to eventually get into my pants, but there isn't enough alcohol on this planet," I finished just as we pulled into the school parking lot.

"Oh look if it isn't Leandra, and who are these, your friends or just the people you hired to act as your friends," Kaleb said walking over to me and Kelly.

"Yeah, I just figured there weren't enough people here that hated your guts so I brought some more. Kaleb meet Kelly and Kevin, my best friends and your new enemies.... See you around," I said as I walked by him ramming my shoulder into his causing him to wince in pain.

"Okay I see what you mean now, just after talking to him I feel like I should go and have a shower," Kelly said shuddering.

"I am just glad you guys are here now. Finally, someone who is almost as witty as I am." I said taking them into the office so that they could get their schedules. We had a couple of classes together, luckily we had first block together so I lead them to the class room.

"Okay class we have a few new students joining us today, Kevin, Kelly and Antonio," I looked up just as the door opened and my worst nightmare came strolling in. All the colour drained from my face as we made eye contact and he gave me his infamous smirk. The one that still makes butterflies appear in my stomach, but not for the same reason.

How the f*ck did he get into high school he is like twenty now. Oh My God, I think I am going to die.

I thought as I was staring at him. I was frozen, I couldn't move or think, I was just to scared. This was the only person in the world that could cause my blood to run cold.

"Did you miss me Leah?" He said using his nickname for me.

"Yes," I said finally getting over my panic attack, "Like a patient misses cancer."

That wiped the smirk off of his face for a second before he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Don't you forget who you are dealing with. Unless you want another scar, I could alwasy give you the matching set." With that he stood up and sat in the empty desk behind me.

Its official, I am going to die.

I have never been able to really stand up to my greatest fear because it is also my greatest love. As much as it pains me to admit, he still holds apart of my heart, he was the one that stiched me back up. I guess he just left his mark there.

I didn't hear anything the teacher said through thatclass because Antonio kept breathing down my neck, causing me to shiver and loose what little concentration I had.

I was never so glad to here the bell that signaled the ending of class. Without a second to spare I was up and out of my desk and the class room, Jesse, Kevin and Kelly right on my heals.

"Oh Leandra how are you handling this," Kelly said giving my the hug that I despratly needed right then.

"Why does he have to do this to me. I didn't do anything to him," I said pulling away from her.

"I know, don't worry we are always going to have someone by your side. From now on you are never going to be alone," Kevin said.

"Okay who was that guy?" Jesse asked, slightly confused as to why we were slightly freaking out.

"Someone from my past that I was hoping to never have to deal with again. The short version is he loves me, I left him and he..... attacked me," I said not really wanting to tell him the whole truth.

"Yeah thats it. You are never allowed to be alone again, seeing as you are still on crutches and can't really fend for youself," Jesse said making me realize just how screwed I was. I mean I coudn't even fight back if he wanted to try something.

"I have the next class with you so come on lets go. Can you guys fill the others in on the predicament we are facing, just so that they know the drill," Kevin said as we left for the Chem room.

I sat down with Lance on my left and Kevin sitting on my right. Luckily Tony wan't in this class so I was able to pay attention and help Lance when he needed it, which was a lot. But it helped to distract me from the hell that I would have to face for the rest of the day.

I wasn't so lucky the next class. I walked into the math room with Gabriel and Kelly, only to notice that Tony was asigned the seat behind me.

F*ck this teacher and her stupid seating plan. She is just trying to kill me.

I notice Gabriel looking intensely at Tony, I looked at him a look saying, 'You-promised-that-you-wouldn't-do-anything.' He gave me a small smile and headed over to his seat, which was located on the other side of the class room.

"That must be the Fiance I have heard so much about," Tony said once the teacher began her lesson.

I didn't say anything back, its not like there was anything I could have said that would have made the situation better.

"Seems like you have gotten yourself a couple of body gaurds... but don't worry I am not going to try anything while you are injured. I want to prove to you once again that you are under my control, and you have to be able to fighr back for me to show you."

After that he was quiet fot the rest of class, but I had this feeling in my stomach that Lunch was not going to be so easy.

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