An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 4

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In my half asleep state I tripped over the edge of the door of the car and almost fell flat on my face.

"Sh!t," I said before I finally got my balance back, "Mother f*cker that was close."

Looking up I saw Mr. and Mrs Stephens faces. They both wore an expression of complete shock. I gather that they didn't like my choice of words. I looked over to Gabriel and detected the smallest hint of a smirk resting on his lips, lessening the glare a little bit.

"Leandra we are very happy to have you here," Mrs. Stephens said finally overcoming her shock caused by my little outburst.

"Well Miss... That makes one of us," I said then headed over to the back of the car to help with my suitcases.

"Leandra, you don't have to help with that. It's their job," Mr. Stephens said when I reached in to grab one of the larger bags.

"Well with all due respect mister, I was taught to do things for myself and not to make others do it. These are MY bags and I will help take them up to my room," I said grabbing two bags and standing there, "Well is someone going to lead my to my room or are we going to stand here like a bunch of idiots."

I could tell that I was really starting to get on Mr. Stephens nerves. Well too bad for them, I mean I don't even know their first freaking names.

They lead me quietly to my room, at this point I was very glad that I had a photographic memory, or else I would totally get lost in this stupid house.

We got outside a door and they just stood around waiting.

Mrs. Stephens finally talked, but she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"This is the room we made for you," She said then opened the door.

It was exactly like the room that I described in the survey thing, I knew this went against there whole home decorating style, but they still did it for me. Wow if I was capable of emotions I might feel bad right now.

The walls were the black with the bright dots, the bed was a dark wood with black satin sheets accompanied with a black comforter. The canopy was a lime green and hung loosely from the top of the bed. The dresser, book shelf and TV stand were made out of the same dark colored wood

There were three doors one lead to my own bathroom, where the bathtub, shower and sink were black and the counters were a dark marble.

The next door was to a study where there was already an apple computer and a laptop. The last door lead to a huge walk in closet. I don't think I will ever have enough cloths to fill that thing.

"And to your wishes," Mr. Stephens said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Gabriel will not be in here his room is the door right across the hall. Now I'm sure you want to get settled in, dinner will be in about an hour."

With that they all left. Except Gabriel he was standing in the doorway just looking around.

"What you jealous that my room is better than yours," I said finally getting tired of him just standing there quietly. I don't do well in silences.

"You just say whatever pops into your head don't you?" He asked finally stepping into my room fully.

"Yeah, what else are you supposed to do. No one can hear what you think unless you say it," I said getting out one of my suitcases and began unpacking.

"I have a feeling you are going to give my parents a run for their money, though that is what you are trying to do," He said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah I think that if I pull this kind of sh!t long enough they will just get rid of me," I said, "Now if you don't mind I want you to get the hell out of my room, I have to spend the next few months with you and I want to keep interaction to a minimum."

He left after that, I think he was in shock that I just out right told him that I want nothing to do with him. I got two suitcases unpacked when I realized that I had to get ready for dinner. I changed my cloths because I have been wearing these ones for far to long and I could just image what I smelled like.

I had a quick shower and got dressed, wearing a very low cut shirt black shirt, connected with a silver bra and a pair of regular jeans with a big silver belt.

I walked into the dinning room and noticing that the others were already seated at the table I took the only free seat left. It just happened to be the spot next to Gabriel across from his mother.

"We should probably tell you are first names. Sorry we didn't earlier we were just shocked by how you act. My name is Rob and this is my wife Sheryl. And of course you know our son Gabriel," Rob said.

Woo hoo I finally know there first names, its going good now...

"Well you should probably get used to my behavior because my parents couldn't change me, you sure the hell wont," I said just as the servers came in with the food.

We ate in silence, all you could hear is the scraping of the utensils on the plates. I think it was a good forty minutes before someone spoke and that was Sheryl asking my how I liked supper.

Ahhhh my favorite question...

I gave her this look that said 'how stupid are you' and replied "I ate it didn't I."

She took in a short breath and held it, now she LOOKED like she was on the verge of crying.

"That is enough young lady, you will treat us with respect. Now we tried hard to make your move here the best experience possible and we don't deserve this treatment," Rob said finally loosing his cool.

"You know what would make this move the most enjoyable? It would be undoing the whole stupid thing. Its not my fault that your son can't keep a girlfriend so why the f*ck do I have to come down here and marry his sorry @ss. I did nothing to deserve this so don't go blaming all this on me. You wanted me and here I am in all of my glory," I shouted back at him.

It took everyone a few minutes to react to what I said, but Gabriel was the first to recover.

"What do you mean marry me?"

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