An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 26

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I was sitting at the table with every one else. They were all on edge and I could tell, it was driving insane. I just wanted every one to relax so that we could maybe go back to what it was like before Tony showed up.

"Guys you can all calm down. He is not going to do anything," I said looking at the food infront of me. I had yet to try any of it, I just couldn't bring myself to eat right now.

"And how do you know that," Kira asked giving me a stern look.

Wow she acts like this now, wonder what she would do if she knew the whole truth.

"Because he wants to prove that he is still the dominant one in this fictional ralationship. For him to be able to do that I have to be able to fight back. He is going to drive me up a wall, but nothing serious is going to happen until my leg heals and I get my strength back," I said to them still pushing my food around.

"If you aren't worried, how come you wont eat anything?" Jessica asked me.

"I am not worried for me. In truth, now that I know that he isn't going to come after me, it just makes me think that he is going to go after someone else..." I said looking towards Gabriel.

"You think he is going to come after me," Gabriel said.

"Well you are the one that is 'taking me away' from him. I could tell in math that you really drive him insane, you got the one thing he can't have," I said not looking at him.

"Oh sh!t now that is trouble," Derrick shouted out breaking the semi awkward silence.

I looked up and saw Tony talking to Kaleb.

Oh this is great, my two worst enemies are becoming 'Besties' thats just what I need right now, two major pains in my ass.

"Of course they would become friends, they are both after the same things," Adam said looking at me.

"I got to get out of here," I got up from the table without another word and stormed out of the cafeteria. I made me way outside and sat in the shade of this big tree that was in the court yard. I wish I could climb it by my cast just want allow that.

I was enjoying the peace and the slight breeze that was blowing across my face. I felt like I was calm and for once at peace, but of cource, he had to ruin that.

"You haven't changed a bit," Tony said sitting down beside me.

"Yeah, neither have you. You are still as big of a pain in my side as ever," I said not opening my eyes to look at him.

"Really, cause I don't remember always being a pain. Actually I remember how I could make you scream my name," He whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, now I scream it in the middle of the night waking up from a nightmare," I said still just sitting there.

"Oh come on Leandra, you know that deep down inside you still want me,"

"Yeah and I am sure you are going to find it and use it againsts me, so you can try and finish the job you started monts ago," I said reffering to him trying to kill me.

"Well you were the b!tch that tried to leave me," He said changing his entire demeanor towards me.

"And yet I wouldn't change it for the world, you used to be the best thing that ever happened to me, but you had to go and ruin that. What you don't realize is that I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Now, I just hope you die a long, painful death," I said not looking away from his eyes so that he knew I meant what I was saying.

"Leandra what the hell are you doing with him," Gabriel said walking towards us.

"Leaving," I said getting up.

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