An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 21

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I was pulled out of the darkness by the annoying beeping sound again.

Man wan't I just in the hospital like two weeks ago. This sucks, that means I am still alive.

I opened my eyes and was met by the sight of a full moon outside the window. Gabriel was asleep in the chair beside me and Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were asleep in the bed beside mine.

Thinking that I had to try and get out of here I pulled the IV out of my hand and throw the blankets off of my legs only to discover that there was a huge cast on my right leg.

Well this is going to put a damper on my cheerleading career now isn't it.

I thought while laying back on the bed. Its not like a can execute my ninja skills on crutches.I heard the door knob start jiggling and i quickly pulled the blankets up and pretended to still be asleep.

The nurse came in, checked the machines and then left again. She isn't very good at her job because she didn't realize the IV hanging beside my bed.

I layed in the bed for what felt like hours. I could now feel the pain in my leg because I was no longer recieving any morphine. Trying to decide what to do next Gabriel started to stir beside me. I didn't react fast enough and he noticed that I was infact awake.

"Oh my God Leandra you are awake," He yelled before I placed my hand over his mouth.

"Will you shut up, I don't want your parents to wake up you moron," I said pulling my hand away from his face.

"Come on, is that any way to treat the man that saved you," he asked, quietly this time.

"Yes, because I didn't want to be saved," I said, in a quite voice.

"What is with that. Come on, I know what my parents did is outragious, stupid and about the most retarded plan you have ever heard of. But why not make the best of it. I know you are trying to find away out of it, why not make this thing a little less taxing and just go along with it right now. Atleast until you can find your way out. Just make it a little better on all of us and play nice," he said in what sounded like a very worn out voice.

"I'm sorry," That shocked him more then anything I have done since arriving at his door step.

"F.. Fo... For what?" He stuttered out, still recovering from the initial shock.

"For everything that I have done to you. Its not fair, this is not your fault and its about time that I stopped blaiming you. I mean, you are in about the same boat as I am, though you have feelings...." Sh!t I shouldn't have let that slip.

"What do you mean I have feeling?" He questioned.

Well I guess the cat is out of the bag now.

"I heard you, the night that I crashed when i was laying on the pavement. I heard you ummm.... confess your feeling to me," I said not making eye contact with him.

"And what do you think about what you heard," He said, trying to meet my eyes.

"I think that you are going to get hurt. I don't feel that way about you and I don't think I ever will. There are just so many things about me that you don't know, and I don't think you will be able to understand. You weren't there when I was going through them, and I am scarred by them. Scarred in ways that you and your lifestyle will never understand."

Luckily Mr. and Mrs. Stephens woke up after that and I didn't have to hear what he was going to say next.

"Doctor, we need a doctor, Leandra is awake," Mr. Stephens yelled while running out of the room.

Doctors came running into the room and quickly began running tests on me, first thing they did was put the IV back in my arm. Instantly the morphine started to numb the pain in my leg.

"Well, amazingly, it seems that Ms. Mildridge here is perfectly fine. No permanent damage, the only thing that still needs to heal is her leg. And that is going to take a month to a month and a half," I groaned when I heard the Doctor mention that.

"So I can go home," I asked, knowing that I have spent way to much time in the hospital since I arrived here.

In the car, I decided that I should make ammends with Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and try what Gabriel suggested. Seeing as how my way is just going to get some one killed, and I really didn't want to die, I think that that was mostly the alcohol talking.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stephens I watned to apologize for the way that I have been acting since I have arrived at your house. Its just, I don't think I was handling this very well, and the mass amount of alcohol that I have been consuming wasn't helping. That is another thing I should probably stop, unless at a party then its acceptable," I said trying to lighten the mood.

"No its us that should apologize. We realize that this hasn't been easy on you, and that you might find this whole situation very awkward, but you must realize that we love the idea of having you in the family," Mrs. Stephens replied.

"See thats the problem. You love the IDEA of having a daughter, its just the real life execution of the plan that is not working out so well for you," I said still trying to remain calm.

"We understand that there are things that you have gone through that most kids never have to experience, but we just want to make sure that the future is a brighter experience for you,"

"I am done arguing with you. Just understand that the things that happened to me in the past will always affect my future, no matter how hard you try and change that. Its now part of who I am and I don't think I will ever be able to loose those parts of me. Its like the apses that can't be removed by any means," After I said that the car went silent and we road like that until we arrived back at the house.

"Its good to see you feeling better Leandra," Joe said as he opened the door for us.

"Thank you Joe, I am glad to be... partially... back on my feet," I said as I used my crutches to get to the house. I made my way up to my room and layed down on my bed with my leg elevated. I layed there for about ten minutes before Gabriel walked into the room.

"We never got to finish our conversation," he said sitting down beside me.

"Thats because I was avoiding the subject."

"Listen I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone anymore. You trusted me once and I didn't betray it, so know that I am going to always be here for you, whether you like it or not. I just hope that you will eventually come to realize just how much you mean to me," He kissed my forehead before heading out my room and into his.

I just laid there thinking about what Gabriel just told me, and I couldn't help but notice the tingly feeling his lips left on my forehead. I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to have his lips against mine.

Stop thinking like that Leandra. Those thoughts are just going to get you into trouble... Again...

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