An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 39

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Tomorrow wasn't better, the truth was it took about a month before it felt normal to go back to school. I guess I had finally yelled at enough people to get them all to leave me alone.

We didn't do much for christmas, though my parents did come out to visit. It was very pleasant. I just love those holidays where everyone is scared to talk because they are sure that it will set someone off. Lets just say my parents didn't stay as long as they intended.

Other then that things have gone back to normal. Sheryl is still shoving engagement party plans down my throat and I am just so sick of it. I finally told her to f*ck off and figure all this stuff out on her own, I was going to hate it either way.

"Leandra can you believe that your engagement party is only like five days away. Then its going to be the wedding and your life will be over," Kelly said in a joking mannor.

Problem is that is when it hit me. I was getting married and this was a party celebrating that. Kelly must have notice the fear on my face because she instantly went into fix it mode.

"Leandra it is not that bad, come on you knew this was going to happen for a while now it is to late to freak out. Come on Leandra chill," I could see her lips moving but the words weren't registering in my brain. I was panicking and there was no stopping it now.

I never realized it till Kelly said that, but I did now. I was changing and I didn't like it, I didn't want to change. I came here determined not to change and some where along the way I had.

I was now polite and had manors, okay that might have been a good change but it wasn't who I am. I haven't drank or done anything like that in months. It was at this moment that I decided I was going to get ME back. I didn't want to spend my life as the robot they were turning me into.

I saw Kelly get up and head out the door, probably trying to find someone else to help calm me down. But I took that moment to run. I was going to go and find me.

I ran out to the garage and took Gabriel's keys and quickly took off in his car. I look in the review mirror as I sped out the drive way and saw Kelly, Kevin and Gabriel all running out of the house, shouting. I didn't stop, I didn't slow down, I just kept going.

I came back at around three in the morning. I paid the cab and then stumbled into the house. I was trying to be quite but we all know how well that works when I have been drinking.

I crashed into my room and flopped down on my bed only to have landed on something hard.

"Holy mother of a cow what the hell it that," I said rolling onto the floor. I looked up and saw that Kelly was sitting on my bed.

"Oh look its me Fwend Kelllllllllly," I said trying to stand up.

"Come on Leandra," She said getting up to help me up. She took me and we went and sat down on the couch.

"Leandra what happened to you," Kelly asked running her hair through my newly cut and died hair.

"You want to know what happened. You did, you happened. I was living in this little bubble of denial not realizing really what the f*ck was going on. Then you just came along and had to say that sh!t about the fact that I had to get married and my life was over and I snapped okay. I couldn't take it."

"You knew this was coming. I didn't think saying that would make you do.... What exactly did you do?" She asked.

"Welllllllllllll.... After I went speeding away from the house I just kind of drove around and freaked out. Then I thought 'Hey I want a drink' and that turned into two then three then f*ck if I can count that high.... Man where they ever good though,"

"I thought you got rid of you fake ID a while ago?"

"Oh I did, I just flashed a little titty and the guy let me right in, thats also how I got slammed without spending a dime,"

At that moment the alcohol hit me and I went running into the bathroom to get rid of everything in my stomach.

"You got a tattoo?" Kelly yelled as she came into the bathroom to hold my hair back.

"If you say so, I don't really remember......" and with that I passed out on the bathroom floor.


I flushed the toilet and grabbed a pillow and blanket to put around Leandra as she lay one the bathroom floor.

"I don't know what happened to you, the new you was just as good as the old you," and with that I left her room to head over to Gabriels.

"Where is she? is she okay? What happened? What did she do? Can I see her?" He shouted as soon as I walked through the door.

"Calm down she is fine. Right now she is passed out on the bathroom floor in her room. Apparently she freaked out about everything that was going on and wanted to go and get a piece of who she wanted to be back. She didn't like the fact that she was changing," I said sitting down on his bed.

"But the change is good, couldn't she see that," He said sitting down as well.

"Leandra doesn't like change. i was hoping that because she hadn't freaked out yet the change was slow enough that she wasn't really noticing. I guess she just hit the preverbial wall and just snapped,"

"What did she do?"

"You will see tomorrow, I am going to go to bed now," I said. I got up and left heading to my room, leaving Gabriel alone to think about what was going on.

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