An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 13

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Our laughing stopped abruptly when we saw the look on Mr. and Mrs. Stephen'Wells faces.

"Where have you guys been?" Rob said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"We were at the mall getting school supplies for tomorrow. We couldn't go before because of Leandra's incident." Gabriel said, standing up to his father.

"Well,we told you that tonight we were all going to supper with some of our friends. Your first real outing as a couple." Sheryl said.

"Woah, what no one told me anything about this stupid outing as a couple?" I said looking between Sheryl and Rob.

"Shit," I heard Gabriel mumble beside me.

"Oh so now you remember it, you should have told me right away not forget about it," I said yelling at him.

"Yeah well they were the dumb ones, they told me when you were in your little comma. I don't think I could have told you if I wanted." He yelled back at me.

"Enough you two. Now you have little over an hour to get ready for this supper. Jesse, Adam, Kira and Derick you are coming with us. Now its formal, so dress nicely, Leandra," With a smirk and a turn on my heels I went up the stairs. But not before I heard Sheryl whisper to Kira.

"Kira make sure that she does where something nice. I nice formal dress, please. I am counting on you."

Chuckling to myself I continued up to my room to have a quick shower and do my hair before picking out a dress. I out my hair up in a fancy up-do but still had some of my bangs hanging down.

Kira walked into the room her dress done but her hair still a mess.

"Wow Leandra I love your hair, do you think you can do mine," She sat down on a chair and I began to curl her hair, then put it half up and half down. "This is amazing, but we only have a few minutes you might want to get dressed and ready to go."

I quickly grabbed the dress out of the closet and put it on. It was a simple white dress that hugged my upper body, just showing how much chest I really had. It flared out near the bottom. The gold around the waist and top was just the perfect colour to accent the colour of my hair.

"Okay I am ready to go," I said walking down the stairs to where Rob and Sheryl were waiting.

"Leandra you look very beautiful," Sheryl said as we were all herded towards the limo. Apparently ever one else's parents where going to meet us at the restaurant that we were going to.

We pulled up the very fancy restaurant and as we made our way inside I noticed people taking our pictures.

I leaned in towards Jesse and asked him what that was all about.

"Well, Leandra you are now part of the highest class of California, we are just one step below the stars. Don't worry you will get used to the treatment one day. Just have to learn to ignore the paparazzi." He finished just as we were sitting down at a table.

I was introduced to everyone, but I didn't remember any of their names. Hey they were just lucky I was here. We had just finished ordering our food my cell phone went off, playing 'Crazy B!tch' as the ring tone.

Quickly as I could I fished the phone out of my bra and answered it. I was very aware that all eyes were on me right now.

"Kelly I can't really talk right now, I am having dinner with some people," I said in hushed tones.

"Trust me this can't wait. You will never guess who just asked me out," She said, and I could take she was very exited.

"Did Brad finally work up the courage to do it," I asked, still aware of the people looking at me.

"No, KEVIN DID!!! And I said YES!!" She yelled into the phone. That got my attention right away.

"Oh My God you have got to be sh!tting me," I yelled back, now I could notice the disappointed look on Sheryl and Rob's faces.

"Yeah, isn't that exciting, I just had to tell you right away. But I should let you get back to your dinner, call me when you done and I will give you all of the details," She said then hung up the phone.

"I am sooooo sorry about that. My two best friends just started dating and i go a little exited," I said, giving them the most sincere apology that I could muster up. It did seem to please Rob, he was just happy that I wasn't trying to make a scene.

"So Leandra tell us a little bit about yourself?" Kira mother said after the dinner was served.

"Well, Ma-am, there is not really anything to say. At least nothing that I can think of," I said taking a bite of my lasagna hoping that if they saw that my mouth was full they wouldn't ask me any more questions.

"Oh come on there has got to be something, what did you do for fun? What were your hobbies?" She asked again.

"Well, until I was 16 I was in Gymnastics and Dancing. I was really good at both, my gymnastics teacher actually told me that I had what it took to go to the Olympics. I actually qualified for the world team, but I had to decline. After I took Karate lessons and became a black belt. My dance and gymnastics training helped me to get the black belt before most of the older students," I said then took another bite of my food.

"Why didn't you go to worlds? That would have been an amazing opportunity," Jesse father asked.

"There were many reasons, none that I would like to share, so if you don't mind I am just going to eat in silence now," I said looking down at my plate.

These people were reopening wounds that I have tried so hard to forget about. But they did what I asked and we ate the rest of our meals in peace.

I was riding home with Gabriel, Rob and Sheryl, the others had to go home with their parents. There was still an uncomfortable silence around us. Apparently my parents didn't share everything with them.

I quickly got out of the limo and ran to my bedroom, and for the first time in about two years I cried. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, those people had just reopened the right wounds.

I heard a soft knock on my door and just knew that it was Gabriel on the other side. I didn't, no I couldn't let him see me like this. He knocked once more then tried the door only to find that it was locked.

I waited, finally I heard him curse then go across the hall and into his room. I grabbed the phone and phoned the only person who knew why I was crying. The only person who would be able to help me now.

"OMG Leandra, took you long enough to call back....... Leah... honey what's wrong," Thats all it took, I broke down and spilled everything out to Kelly.

An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora