An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 14

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 was up most of the night talking to Kelly, luckily she was able to help me close up the wounds again. Its been a long time since I have felt that hopless, its a good thing that Kelly could help me.

Though I was not too happy when my alarm clock went off in the morning. I slowly got up and half slept walked into the bathroom. Took a quick shower and put on the cloths on that I had picked out the night before. Man I was so happy that this school didn't have a uniform.

I walked down the stairs and met up with Gabriel who had made me breakfast all ready.

"I figured that you wouldn't be up in time to make your own breakfast, so I made you some," He said handing me a plate with scambled eggs and bacon.

"Wow, this is great. What do you want from me?" I asked eyeing him up.

"Well the thing is, I don't want people at school knowing about the arranged marriage. So right now you are just going to be a friend visiting from out of town. Are you good with that," He asked.

"Trust me you didn't have to bribe me for that, I don't want people to know that I am stuck with you. Not now and not ever," I said well starting to eat the breakfast.

I finished eating and grabbed all of my stuff for the first day of school. We had to take Gabriel's car because, well, I didn't have one yet.

We pulled up to the school and I read the name off of the front, Valley Hill High School.

That sounds like a preppy school, now doesn't it.

I walked in behind Gabriel as he lead me to the office so that I could get my schedule. I was waiting for Gabriel to come back out and when he did I saw that he was reading my schedule.

"You are in all AP classes, what are you some freak of nature, no one could handle this class load," He said handing me the peice of paper.

"Well I have a 4.0 GPA, so yeah I am some kind of freak of nature. I am just really smart, confuses the doctor, the drugs were supposed to kill my brain function," I said not really registering what was coming out of my mouth.

"You did drugs, when? For how long?" He said stopping me from walking forwards anymore.

"Sh!t shouldn't have said that, oh well there is nothing we can do about it now. Yes, Went to AA meeting for the drugs and drinking a little after my seventeenth birthday party, when my parents finally realized there was someting wrong. As you may have noticed the drug part worked the drinking not so much, oh well..." I said walking off towards my locker.

I grabbed a binder and notebook and headed to my AP English class. I walked into the room just before the bell rang, I got a little lost sue me.

I was glad to see that Jesse was in this class with me, I went and sat down beside him, I couldn't help but notice all of the eye's one me. I know it sounds really self centered and horrible, but I hate being beautiful.

"Wow, you are like the shiny new toy here," Jesse said just before the teacher walked in. I don't really know whay happened after that, I guess I just stopped listening after the teacher made me stand up and introduce myself to the class. I absolutely hate that.

"What class do you have next?" Jesse asked me as we walked out of the class.

"Ummm... I now have AP Chemistry, ahh who puts English righ before chemistry, this semester just sucks," I said then walked off in the direction that Jesse told me to go.

This time I walked into this class and didn't see anyone that I really knew but someone knew me.

"Hey its the shooter girl, I totally call a rematch next party we are at," Said the guy who came up and dragged me to the desk beside him.

"Did we meet at the party or something?" I asked.

"Yeah you kicked my ass at a shot by shot contest and I want a rematch, oh my name is Lance by the way," He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Leandra, and I should worn you I have never lost a shot by shot contest and I don't plan on starting now," I said shaking his hand.

I sat down in the desk and a really young looking teacher walked in.

"Hello, my name is Mr. Robinson and this is my first real day of teaching so don't mind me..." He went on like that for a bit before he finally decided to start teaching. And lucky for us he was starting off on Organic Chemistry.

"How the hell are we supposed to remember all of this stuff. The only reason I am taking this class is because my mother thought I needed atleast one AP class. Man and if I start to fail I will get kicked off the the football team," Lance started ranting the minute we stepped out of the room.

"Hey slow down it is the first day of school and you are already freaking out about grades. I am a great tutor, I will make sure that you don't fall below a B-. So stop worrying you pretty little head," I patted his head just for added measure.

My next class I went through fine, I always loved math it was really easy. I was really happy it was lunch now, I was starving.

I had grabbed my food and was heading to a table when I saw a group of guys picking on a girl and I litterally mean like a preschool taunting, it was pathetic.

I walked over and saw the girl and what looked to be the head guy standing there bickering.

"Oh come on slut what are you going to do, give me your herpes..." The guy said.

"Oh come on thats not nice, you probably already have herpes," I said coming up behind the guy and standing next to the girl.

"Who the f*ck are you," He yelled at me. I don't think he was used to being talked back to.

"My name is Leandra, and who may I ask are you?" I said in my famous fake polite voice.

"My name is Kaleb and I run this school," He said trying to intimidate me.

"Kaleb, thats a sexy name, too bad it doesn't suit you worth sh*t," I said just to prove that it wasn't working.

"Who do you think you are, do you want to end up like her. The outcast of the school," He shouted, he was getting really angry now.

"I got to say that there are about what, 400 students in this school, and over half of them have to be guys. And that half have already showed interest in me. Plus I have an in with Jesse, Derrick, Adam, Lance, Kira and Gabriel. Hmmm... Judging by that reaction I must say that you hate them. Score one for me,"

With that I sat down and started eating my lunch and Kaleb and his crew stormed off. Good thing to because I didn't want to get into a fight my first day of school.

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