An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 11

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I took a quick shower and in a total of 20 minutes I was dressed and ready to go. I put on a thin layer of black eyeliner and some mascera. I was wearing a pink over shirt that said "Always be" and a black bra underneath, and a pair of skinny jeans. I put a litte bit of product in my hair to make it curly.

I walked down the stairs, Gabriel was their but we were waiting for everyone else.

"Wow for a girl you can sure get ready fast," He said giving me a once over.

"Why thank you, and I must say you look really good in black, you should wear it more often," I said giving him a once over too.

After about ten minutes of silence the rest of the people finally came down and we were heading to the party.

"So who is going to be D.D. tonight, cause I plan on getting sh!tfaced tonight," I said once we got to the persons house... ummmm, Parker, i think was the name.

"I will I don't drink much anyways," Adam said as we were walking up to the front door.

We could already here the music, but we were hit with it full blast once we opened the door. Some guy came up to our group and started talking to everyone.

"Hey Parker this is Leandra, she is here living with me," Gabriel said after he finally got Parker to shut up for a minute.

"Hey leandra, you want a drink?" He asked my pulling my over to where all of the drinks were. He then proceded to make me some sort of drink. He handed it to me and I took a big swig of it.

"Oh man, you call this a drink," i said reaching for the vodka and adding more of it to the drink and then continued to drink it.

"Whoa, you sure love your alcohal," Parker said making himself a drink.

Within an hour I was getting really tipsy and I had just been challenged to a shot by shot contest by some guy on the football team. He told me his name, but I don't think I was really listening.

"Okay so first one to give up, thow up or fall over is the looser," Some guy said, he was the one pouring all of the shots. Right now there were 10 of them infront of me and the other guy.

"Leandra do you think you shoud be doing this, I mean you just got out of a comma?" Jesse said, he was sitting beside me making sure that I was okay.

"Oh shut up I will be fine. I have never turned down a shot by shot contest. I have also never lost one either," I said looking at the other guy.

We began, and so far it was tied, we had both had about 7 shots and were still going hard. After about 5 more the guy had to get up because he was getting sick.

"Yes, I am still undefeated!!!" I yelled standing up, and of course i fell over into Jesse's arms.

"Hey look Jesse your falling for me!" I shouted once Jesse got me standing on my own two feet. He helped me wald over to where the others were.

"Whoa guys, I think your all drunk," I said, once again almost falling over.

"Jesse how much has she had to drink?" Kira asked as she helped me sit on the chair beside her.

"Kira your my hero, you made the room stop spinning!" I shouted falling into Kira.

"Seriously Jesse how much did she drink?"

"Well she got into a shot by shot contest with Lance from the football team. She won, it was actually pretty funny," he said, but the people around him did not look pleased.

"Why the hell didn't you stop her, she just woke up from a coma" Gabriel yelled at him.

"I did try, do you think I could convince her to do anything she didn't want to. No, because no one can. She is to single minded!" he shouted back at him.

"Whoa calm down you guys, I'm going to be fine. How about we just go home," I said sitting back up, getting off of Kira.

"How come you can be completely drunk one minute then act perfectly normal the next?" Derrick asked me.

"Its a gift I got after years and years of drinking," I said standing up, but the room started spinning again, "Okay so I am not the best at it yet."

Jesse helped me walk to the car and Adam drove us back to Gabriels house. I ended up passing out before we got to the house.

I wasn't completely out because I could feel someones arms going around me and picking me up bridal style. I was carried up to what i presumed to be my room.

Whoever it was layed me on the bed and removed my hair from my face.

"What am I going to do with you , Leandra. You make falling in love way to easy," I felt someones lips on my forehead and then the sound of the door closing.

Who the Hell Was that!!!!!!

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