An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 3

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I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulders and saying my name. I knew it wasn't one of my parents since they would never wake me up this gently. 

"Miss... Miss you have to get up now, we are at the airport," I finally opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. We were in fact at the airport meaning that this wasn't all a drunken, drug induced hallucination.

No one told me we were flying, great... I hate crowded planes.

I got out of the car and made my way to get my stuff only to notice that it had already been taken care of. We went in and since we had to wait for our plane we decided to grab a snack at a small cafe in the airport. Seeing as I already ate supper I just had an iced coffee and a muffin. It was enough to keep me occupied until the plane boarded.

We made it though customs fine, but trust me, I really wanted to scream and shout and say that I was being kidnapped or shout out that Joe had a bomb. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't want to ruin this guys life just so I didn't have to leave. I'm not that selfish, just barely.

We were sitting there when they called for the First Class people to board the plane. I just sat there till I saw Joe stand up.

"Where are you going Joe?" I asked not cluing in that we were First Class.

"You don't think that the Stephens were going to make you fly coach now did you?" He said handing the guy our tickets.

First class was great. There was no big fat smelly person sitting beside me, or basically on my lap. The seats leaned back so far that they were practically a bed and we got individual TV's and the meal wasn't something pulled out of the dumpster, re-packaged and labeled "chicken". The only downside was the man sitting beside me leading my to my damnation. 

"Now Miss Stephens wants you to fill out this survey of sorts, she just wants to know what you like so she can have everything ready for you," He said handing me his laptop that had like 50 questions on it.

I mean these questions ranged from the colour I want my room to the thread count on my sheets.

Well they're really going to LOVE getting ready for me...

For the colour of my walls I said that I wanted black walls with fluorescent coloured dots painted on it, just to add some brightness and as for thread count I of course replied, 'Who gives a flying f*ck,"

I preceded to tell her exactly how I wanted my room to look, knowing that they were going to hate it. Also used the whole thing to stress that I was not going to be sharing a room with their son. There was no way in hell that I was going to share a room with the spawn of Satan. 

I gave the laptop back to Joe and he sent the message, after shaking his head at some of the things that I wrote, what can I say, I am a clever person.

"You know Leandra, these are nice people. I'm sure you wont hate them so much once you meet them," He said frowning at my attitude.

I doubt I will ever like the people who are ruining my life.

"So what are the these people like, or am I supposed to be surprised when I meet them," I asked adding no emotion to my tone of voice.

"Well Mr. Stephens is a very busy man, working for the family business. He is often away on work assignments, you probably wont see a lot of him. He is a strict man and likes to run his house hold a certain way,"

"Man his he ever going to hate me," I said cutting Joe off.

Frowning he continued, "Mrs. Stephens is about the happiest person you will ever meet. She loves to show off her wonderful house and family so she holds a lot of parties for her friends. She is so excited to meet you, she has been waiting for this for the past three months. She even built an extra addition to the house so that you and Gabriel can have your own section, until after the wedding of course,"

"Oh of course," I said rolling my eyes.

"Now Gabriel, your fiance so to speak, is what you kids would call a player. He has a different girlfriend every month and is always hitting on any girl. He is very nice though, good at school and sports. He is a Senior like yourself and you guys will be going to the same high school together. This will allow you two to spend a lot of time together,"

"Oh that just makes this so much better," I sarcastically said before putting my headphones in my ears and once again falling asleep to the music.

One day I am going to be able to wake up peacefully but this was not that time, I was woken up once again and was ushered into another car. I asked Joe how long the drive was and he said it was about an hour and a half drive so once again I fell asleep. Trying to catch up from all of the late nights that I have been having lately. 

This time when I woke up and the car was sitting in front of a mansion. This place was so big I could have probably fit my parents house into theirs twice over.

Three people were standing in front of the house, presumably waiting for me to arrive. One was an older man who was wearing a suit and an older women who was wearing a very classy looking dress. Beside them there was this amazingly hot man. He was wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. And I don't think he was very happy that I was there.

Well that makes two of us...

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