An Arranged Marriage... Man I'm Going To Make His Life A Living Hell. 22

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I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich. It took me awhile but I finally figures out how to work around the crutches. The rest of my bumps and bruises have healed in the two weeks since the accident, but the leg seemed to be taking forever.

I grabbed the mayo out of the fridge and when I turned around Gabriel was standing about an inch from my face. He startled me and I dropped the Mayo, Luckily he caught it.

"Your ignoring me again," He said taking the mayo over to the counter where I was working on my master piece.

"And you are scaring the crap out of me," I said hobbling back over to the counter.

"Some on you can't keep avoiding me and the fact that I love you," He said with that goofy grin on his face, the one he got when ever he told me that he loved me.

"Yes actually I can because I don't want to hurt you, the sooner you get over this the better," I said finishing my sandwich only to have him take it, "Hey thats mine!!"

"Well are you able to carry it to the living room by yourself...." he said in that all knowing tone. Sometimes that guy just pushes my buttons.

I hobbled into the living room and sat down on one of the chairs, then Gabriel handed me my sandwich just as the door bell rang. He went and got it and all I heard was, "Who the hell are you?" before two people came running into the living room.

I looked up and chocked on the chunk of sandwich that was in my mouth at the time. Was I stopped coughing I looked up and definitely say Kevin and Kelly standing in the living room.

"Glad you guys came here to watch me choke," I said with a giant smile on my face.

Kelly came running over and gave me a big hug and did her very best girly girl exited scream.

"OMG I am so glad to see you. How has it been? What happened to your leg? Did you miss us? Can I have a bite of your sandwich?" Oh thats Kelly for you, oh so very random.

"First tell me what the fuck you two are doing here?" I said looking at Kevin who was just standing there in the doorway.

"What are you not happy to see us?" He said putting on his best pouting face.

"Of course I am, now get over here and give me a hug... Than tell me what you are doing here," I added after we were done hugging.

"Well we came to warn you... He knows your here and why you are here," Kelly said getting VERY serious.

That made me drop my sandwich all together. I stared at them with my mouth wide open. I looked in their arms and hoped to hell this was just a really bad joke.

"W...W...W..H...H..How? Why? When?... HOW THE F*CK DID YOU FIND THIS OUT!!" I yelled starting to panic.

"Bobby came and told us where you were and that we had to warn you. We don't know when or how, but he is going to show up here," Kevin said stroking my back trying to calm me down.

I didn't know what to do, my worst nightmare was coming for me and there was nothing that I could do about it, I could even fight back with this fucking leg. Thats when I started hyperventilating.

"Shit," I heard someone yell, but I was starting to loose focus. Gabriel then came into my line of sight with a bag in his hand. I held it to my mouth and began to breath in and out slowly, just looking into his eyes.

Ahhh sh!t, this is the stupid cheesy part where I am getting lost in his eyes. If I wasn't facing imminent doom, I think I might actually fall for him

I though as I finally calmed down.

"Are you feeling better," Gabriel asked me once I removed the bag. I nodded yes and he instantly replied, "Then do you mind telling me who the f*ck these people are and why you were just freaking out."

"Uh, well this is Kelly and Kevin, my best friends from back home. Guys this is Gabriel, the guy that I am forced to marry," I said pointing to each of them.

"Hey are you going to tell us what happened to your leg," Kevin said trying to change the subject for me.

"Wellll, my parents phoned and disowned me, I downed a bottle of something and then drove down a road and crashed the car," I said summing it up into a very short story.

"LEANDRA!!!!! What the fuck is your problem!!!" Kevin and Kelly yelled at me.

"What, I know it was stupid and a part of me tried to stop it, but I was just so pissed off and drunk and the truth is at the time I didn't want to live any more," I said, something that I would only admit to my best friends.

"Why didn't you just phone me, you know I can help you through anything," Kelly said pulling me in for a hug.

"I wasn't thinking, I was just so mad and I couldn't handle it anymore and I snapped," I said almost on the verge of tears, but I refuse to cry in front of Gabriel.

"Well we are here for you now," Kevin said.

"Yeah, how long are you guys here?" I asked sitting back up.

"Well...... we could only afford a one way ticket sooooo....." Kelly said looking at Gabriel.

"You guys can stay for a while if you tell me why Leandra just had a panic attack, and who knows that she is here?" Gabriel said.

"Listen, show them to some rooms for them then come to my room and I will explain somethings to you," I said getting up and making my way to my room.

"I will talk to you two later, we have a LOT to catch up and then Kelly, I am definitely in need for some girl talk," I said pointing my eyes at Gabriel.

"Yeah don't worry about it, we can do that tomorrow night. Just like we used to," She said giving me another hug before following Gabriel into a couple of the guest rooms.

I was sitting on my bed when Gabriel walked into my room.

"Well your friends seem nice," He said coming over and sitting on the bed beside me.

"Yeah they are the best," I said looking anywhere but at him.

"So.... are you going to explain some things to me now," He asked trying to meet my gaze.

"Okay, but its a long story......."

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