I nod, spinning myself around on the stool before sliding off it and onto my feet.

A hand is placed on the small of my back as I'm steered out of the room.

He stops us at the front door, turning towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I'm pulled towards him suddenly, his lips pressing against mine harshly. Barely able to keep myself from gagging as his tongue invades my mouth without permission, I place my hands on his chest.

"I missed you." He mumbles against my lips before leaning away and looking into my eyes.

"I've always been right here." I smile.

"So you have." He nods thoughtfully. "I know that now. Meet me for dinner tonight? I have something important I want to discuss with you."

"Of course. Just text me where and when."

Carter smiles, looking over my face. "You truly are a vision Everly. Simply breathtaking. I'll see you this evening."

After one more quick kiss, he opens the door and descends the front steps, getting into the back of his town car. Chloe blesses me her usual scowl before sliding in right after him.

I close the door after I give him a small wave goodbye, finding Margo with a large grin taking up her entire face.

"You're in again."

"Seems that way." I nod. "He thinks we had s.ex and suddenly he trusts me again.. the a.sshole."

Margo laughs, "My thoughts exactly. So what do you think he's going to talk to you about tonight?"

"I don't know, he said it was important.. Maybe he's actually going to let me in on his whole plan."

"Let's hope." Margo nods. "Just make sure to record him."

"I always do."

"We're getting close Everly, I can feel it."

"I hope you're right. I don't know how much more I can take. I can't believe he had Jackson attack me."

"That reminds me." Margo pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket and hands it to me. "I got it."

"The instructions?" I question, unfolding it.

"Yeah, I made a copy when I broke into the gym last night."

I scan over it quickly, shaking my head as I read over Carter's instructions to Jackson.

"If it's any consolation, Carter did tell Jackson he wasn't supposed to actually really do anything to you. Just enough to make Harry think he was." Margo explains. "He actually threatened him that if he didn't touch you he'd.."

"Kill him." I finish her sentence as I read the words on the page. "I wouldn't call it consolation though."

"Yeah, probably not." Margo frowns.

"Did you make more than one copy of this?"

"Yes, that ones for you."

"What about the little box I told you about? The one that was in the envelope?"

"It wasn't in his locker." She shakes her head. "You have any idea what it could of been?"

"No." I sigh, frustrated.

"We're going to get him Everly. All the pieces are coming together."

"Yeah.. But at what cost?" I look in Margo's eyes, sympathy etched in them.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن