Chapter Thirty: Safe.

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+Carl's POV+

I held the small violin in my large hands and wiped my tears away. This was it, I was going to let Catrina go. Just like my mom, just like little Sophia, just like..

"I love you," I whispered and smiled at the instrument. I set up a fire quickly and watched the logs burn. I was about to place it in when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and whispered, "And what does Mr. Grimes think he's doing?"

-Hayley's POV-

I couldn't take it. I ran out of the house, leaving the struggling walkers behind. I sobbed so hard and screamed.

I ran back to the hotel, and I saw Carl. He was hugging... cat?!

"CATRINAAAAA!!!" I sobbed. I wasn't crying because she was back, I was crying because I knew she was the only one who understood my situation and could help me. I knew she'd be back anyway.

"Hayley!!!" She yelled, hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Cat... I'm terrible... My family..." I whispered.


*Jamie's Pov *

I walked into the woods as me and Sam heard sobbing.

We walked Where a fire was...OH shit. Me and Sam ran to it and then Sam accidentally tripped.

I giggled and helped him up. Then I saw Hayley, Carl, Cat...Wait...

"CAT!.!?" I screamed. She looked over and started crying. I ran to her and cried hard.

"Oh my god... " I whispered. "Your still here." I smiled. She giggled and smiled. She hugged me tighter and I cried in her shoulder.

"I missed you, Holy shit.." I whispered. I let go. "Me too..where's the others?" She asked.

Carl looked at her and smiled. "Babe." He said. "Yeah?" Cat responded.

"We have a girl that we've knew ever since this started." He smiled. I smiled back.

He was talking about Hunter.

Finally...I have my family back.

~Cat's POV~
I held onto Carl longer and tighter then I should've.

"Oh my fucking god," he whispered and started to shake. He held onto my long hair and cried into my shoulder.

"Carl.." I kissed his neck and he hugged me tighter. "Can't breathe."

He pulled back and looked at me right in the eyes. He then cupped my face and kissed my lips. At first, it was passionate, then it became rough and heated.

"You...don't...know.." he said between breaths, ""

I stopped and put my forehead against his. Then I smirked.

"Well well well, Mr. Grimes," I giggled and took off his hat, "if you thought I was dead, then why are you still alive?"

He looked down and brushed his saggy brown hair out of his eyes. I picked his chin up and looked into his bright blue eyes. You could get lost in them.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he whispered back.
Carl and I walked into the hotel, hand and hand.

"Okay, so night watch tonight will go to Carl an- HOLY FUCK, IS THAT CATRINA?!" Rick screamed from the other side of the lobby. He ran up to me but then stopped, thinking he was too close. I looked at Carl and he nodded.

"I- I missed you," I said half lying and half truthfull. He hugged me and I smiled.

"Oh.. Cat, Cat Monroe," a girl whispered. I turned around and seen Hunter. I gasped and clung onto Carl.

"I-is that really..?" I asked and he nodded. I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.

*Hunters Pov *

I smiled and hugged Cat for what felt like eternity. She smiled in my neck as I hugged her..

I started crying just Because I remember all of the fun times we had.

She smiled. "Let it out, love." She whispered and rubbed my back.

This is the most happiest day of my life.

First I got to see jordan again and I got to see Cat now.

How can this day get any better

-Hayley's POV-

I brought Cat upstairs to where Ben, Violet, Celine and the twins were. He smiled when he saw me, and all the ones who could gasp gasped.

"MOMMY!!!" Celine screamed, hugging her leg. Ben hugged her and so did Violet. Cat picked up Emilia.

"Missed you too," she whispered.

~Cat's POV~
I picked up Emilia and she giggled.

"Precious," I whispered and kissed her nose. Carl smiled and stroked the side of her face.

"I want her," he laughed and took Emilia from my hands. I then pulled Celine onto my lap.

"Now, have you been a good girl while mommy was gone?" I asked and gave her a hug. She nodded and gave me a huge hug back.
I grabbed Carl, Sam, Jamie, Hayley and Ben and pulled them onto the roof of the hotel.

"It's so pretty from up here," I whispered as I looked at the setting sun. We all laid back on the tiles of the roof. Carl wrapped his arms around me and we began to cuddle. Hayley was next to me and she smiled.

"Despite all the rough times, the six of us who started this lovely family are together, finally. And nothing can break us apart," Hayley said and grabbed both my hand and Ben's. All six of us sat staring at the sun as it set below the horizon. And then I thought to myself.

"Hey guys, you know what I realized? It's that we all wouldn't be in this place if it wasn't for this crappy apocalypse. Sure, maybe some of us would've crossed paths somehow, but I just.." I laughed as tears of joy started flow out of my eyes. "Sorry. I just wanted to say that I love all of you.. I love you all so much."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Carl squeezed my hand. I looked back at the sunset and let my eyes close slowly.

I was safe, with my family. And nothing will ever change that.

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