Chapter Twenty Seven: Always.

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*Sam's Pov *

I smiled as me and Jamie held hands. To be honest, I'm so happy I met her. Shes helped me in so many ways.

She keeps me going whenever something depressing comes. She always apologizes and she always is honest.


And now, we're a family. Forever and always. She's so sweet and kind, and it all started from us looking at eachother in the eyes.

"Sam?" Jamie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I said back. "I love you." She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I love you more.." I whispered. I kissed her head. "I can't believe your taller than me like, what the fuck?" She laughed. I chuckled.

"So? I'm only 5'10" I said. "SO!?" She yelled and laughed. I smiled and picked her up.

She wrapped her arms and legs around me as I held onto her waist.

She kissed me deeply. "Uhm. " someone said. I turned around and saw Ben smirking. "Yknow, we don't want another kid." He laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I said. He laughed and walked faster. Just then we saw a house in the distance.

A hotel.

"GUYS LOOK, A HOTEL!" I yelled and put Jamie down. They ran to me and saw it too.

"Let's go." Ben whispered as all of us followed.

I have no idea what's in there but, I'm just happy I have some family with me...I just wish Everyone else was with us...this is bullshit.

-Hayley's POV-

Rick stayed away from me for the rest of the walk. Maggie gasped as we approached a hotel.

"Finally!" I gasped. The four of us ran up, and that's when I saw them. My family.

"JAMIE, SAM!!!" I screamed. They looked at me and tears filled their eyes. I hugged them both so tight. Then I pulled back and handed them something and winked. They both blushed madly. Behind them, Ben stood watching in awe.

"Bejammmiiiinnnn!!!" I yelled, jumping on to him and kissing him all over. I cried on to his shoulder, then I saw Violet and Celine.

"Auntie Hayley!!!" Celine yelled, hugging my leg. I kissed her forehead and I hugged Violet. I sat in front of them and took the teddy bear from my backpack. Violet gasped.

"Here's something for you two," I whispered. They both hugged me again, and ran off.

Ben brought over Emilia and Aria.

"My babieeeess~" I cooed, kissing them both. Emilia giggled.

"Where are the others?" I asked Ben. He shrugged.

"Oh god..."

~Cat's POV~
Milo followed behind me as I came near an abandoned camp. I jumped up on a tree and Milo hid. I pulled out my violin and began to play Heist by Lindsey Stirling. A few walkers came out and I aimed my gun at them.

"Catrina," a woman's voice growled and the walkers head got chopped off. They fell and revealed Michonne.

"Excuse me," I hissed and dropped down from the tree, Milo trailing at my feet, "I thought you were trying to run away from me."

"I guessed you were someone else," she smiled and put her katana away. I rolled my eyes and we went along.

+Carl's POV+
Glenn brought us to a huge building. A hotel.

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