Chapter Two: Photograph.

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||Hayley above||

~Catrina's POV~
I led Hayley to my mum for questioning. She'd been extremely quiet after she told me about the last group.

"Hey, Hayley?" I asked quietly. She looked at me.

"What was the name of your old group?"

"Woodbury, but when I left news got around that they started getting more women. A lot less people were dying there as well," she bit her bottom lip uncomfortably and shook her head.

"Perhaps a chat would help, with a cup of tea?" I heard my mothers voice from behind me. I smiled at her and she pulled me into a hug.

"Mum, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is-"

"Call me by my first name, Deanne," she said, putting her hand out and shaking Hayley's. My mother took Hayley inside and told me to wait outside.
-Hayley's POV-
Deanne brought me inside a huge building and told me to make myself comfortable.

"Sit anywhere you'd like in the living room, I'll be out with tea shortly," Deanne called out from someplace invisible. I walked around the room, looking at the pictures lined up along the shelves. There was older ones, black and white, but then there was a special one. A little girl with blonde hair, perfect white teeth and a familiar silver watch had her arms around a young boy with bright blue eyes and brown-ish black-ish flippy hair.

"Well, I see your looking at Catrina and her old friend Carl? They were quite close, I'd have to say," Deanne popped up behind me and picked the photo up, examining it herself. She took a moment, then wiped a tear away. "Anyways, lets get started," she clapped her hands together and sat in a chair, which had a camera set up next to it.

"Your going to record me?" I asked skeptically. She nodded and pointed to a chair. I sat.

"How did you find this place?" she questioned, pushing a button on the device.

"Well, you see, I was running from this place called Woodbury and-" I paused as Catrina slammed through the door.

"Aaron's back, and he's got company," she said with bright eyes. Who's this Aaron, and is this company good?
~Catrina's POV~
I sat on the ground pulling grass out of the soft dirt when a high pitched voice screeched into my ears.

"Catta-tat-tat, your gonna get killed if ya go out in that wild out there like that again without weapons! And we don't want that precious kitty-cat to die!" Enid said sarcastically, kicking dirt in my face.

"Do not call me that, and I most certainly will not get killed. I know what I'm doing," I hissed at her, standing up and getting in her face.

"Whatever. Anyways, I see the way you look at Ron. I know you want him, but he's mine, so back off, bitch," she spat and got even closer. We were so close that if I breathed, she would feel it on her face. Awkward, much?

"Catrina! Get you gun and worn your mother, we have visitors!" Nicholas screamed from the gate. I ran into the house to warn mum.

"Aaron's back, and he's got company," I said quickly, pulling my pistol from my belt and running back over to the gate. I pointed my gun at them. All of them had guns, even a young boy. "Hand over your guns- before we have to take them from you," I said, scanning all the people. There was around 13 of them; they looked like they hadn't had showers in a whole year and their clothes were raggy. They all looked at each other shaking their heads.

"Look, Miss," one man said, who had a messy beard which was turning gray, "we're not sure if we're even going to stay."
"No no, Cat, you let them keep their guns until they speak with your mom," Aaron said, stepping out of the crowd. I lowered my gun and slid it back in my holster. I shook my head and sighed.

"Come," I told them, walking to where my mum and Hayley were.

*time skip*

"What was that all about?" Hayley asked later after the whole deal. I shook my head. After all, I myself didn't even know. "I have to show the old man and a young boy their houses in.. Oh, now," I moaned and stood up, stretching from sitting in a chair. Hayley nodded and waved to me.

"I'll be back in a bit," I mumbled, slamming the screen door behind me. To my surprise, the two guys were standing outside on my porch right as I came out.

"Oh, uh-" I probably looked dumb for jumping in fright.

"Rick," the older man said, nodding his head at me.

"Catrina," I smiled at him and he stood doing nothing.

"I'm Carl," the boy said from the right of me. I smiled at him.

"If you'd follow me, please," I took them to their houses and gave them the keys.

"Carl, I need you to stay here while I go give our guns to this Olive-" Rick began. "Olivia," I corrected. Rick pointed to me and nodded, then took off.

"Wait- Catrina, right?" Carl asked me, walking into his new house and opening the door for me. I nodded and smiled to him.

"As in, C-A-T-R-I-N-A?" Carl asked again, starting to get excited. I nodded again, slower, so he'd get the memo. He ran to me and takled me in a huge bear hug. "CATRINA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH- ITS BEEN TWO WHOLE YEARS I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU!" he stood up and pulled me to my feet.

"W-what?" I grabbed his hand and got up. "You're too... Different to be Carl!" I pulled him into a hug.

"You know, I knew it was you because look-" Carl pulled a paper from his pocket, "-its us.." He showed me a picture of me having my arms around him. If you'd ask me, its my most favorite picture in the world. Maybe just because of Carl. (;

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