Chapter Eighteen: Violence.

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~Cat's POV~
Carl put his head on my stomach and smiled.

"I wonder if it's a boy or girl.." he whispered and pulled my shirt up. I giggled as he kissed my belly. Kelsey walked in with her baby Jacob.

"Hi," Kelsey smiled at me. I put a hand up.

"Hello... Kelsey," Carl said between kisses. Carl took one last kiss on my stomach then he kissed my lips.
"So what do I do if she becomes a bitch?" Carl asked Kelsey.  She snorted and covered her mouth up.

"Ayye," I glared at Carl and he smirked.

"Just do whatever she asks," Kelsey said and smiled at me. I looked down at my stomach. I was going to be a mother at 15.

"But I don't want children..." I whispered and looked at Carl.

"Cat??" Hayley yelled from upstairs. I yelled back.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," I smiled. She sat next to me and patted my thigh.

"I wanted to say thank you, for helping with Kelsey."

-Hayley's POV-

I brought Kelsey and Jake to their room, which was right next to Cat and Carl's room. I also introduced her to Jamie and Sam. Jamie was cooing over the baby like she usually would and Nicole was in Sam's arms.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed," I said to Kelsey and Jamie. They nodded and I kissed Jake's temple before heading to my room.

I was stopped by someone grabbing my leg.

"Hi Violet. Why aren't you going to bed with Celine?"

"I wanna talk to Kelsey."

"Okay, then go ahead. But if Cat and Carl tell you that Celine is going to bed, you have to too," I said, giving her a kiss, and she ran off.

I entered my room, and Ben was fast asleep.

I smiled and changed, then laid down next to him.


"Hayley, he'll kill you! You can't just run away," Clayton whispered as I grabbed my stuff.

"I have to do this... I'm not going to have children with him."

"Haaayyyllleeyyy..." Logan came out of our tent, obviously drunk. He became pale within seconds, and he ran over and bit my leg.

I woke up screaming and crying. Sweat drenched my clothes.

The racket woke Ben up.


I cried harder and he hugged me.

"I'm b-bit...!" I choked.

"Hayley no you aren't. It was just a dream."

He kissed my temple and his arm got tighter around my waist. By now, I was used to the concept about him not having both arms.


After eating breakfast that morning, I heard a few knocks on the door.

I opened it, and there stood...


I immediately put my gun to his head and pushed him back. By that time we were in the middle of the camp.

"Wow, hey, stop!!! I'm only here to see my son," he said. I growled.

"THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THAT I'LL LET YOU NEAR HIM!!!" I yelled. That brought Cat, Carl, Kelsey, Violet and Celine outside.

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