Chapter 5

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A/n best song EVER!

Dipper Pov.

I was in Gravityfalls, having a great adventure with Mabel and great uncle Ford. We found a lost temple and found mystical items and treasures, and we battled against ferocious Gremgoblins!  Everything was great! Then the ground started to shake, we all panicked.

I snapped out of my dream, I blinked twice or trice, and found that the Lauva was jumping on my chest. I shot up from being surprised, and the dragon landed on Paolo's face. Paolo moaned and opened his eye's, but only to be greeted by a baby dragon ready to blast his face off.

Paolo fell off the couch in panic, and Lauva safely jumped off and landed on a pillow. Paolo sat up and glared at the Lauva and it glared back with a hiss.

"I'm making breakfast." Paolo says, as he stands up and goes to the kitchen.

I sighed, what am I suppose to do with this thing? I thought. The Lauva jumped on my lap snuggling, I groaned.

"Hey!" Paolo yelled, "I know I practically hate that thing now, but what are you naming it?" he asked.

"Seriously?" I said, "Well it's gotta have a name." Paolo says.

I thought about it, what could be the name of loin dragon thing?

"Any suggestion?" I asked, "What about Kitty!" Mabel jumped on me out of nowhere, "What Mabel?"

"Or Loin 2!" Steven suddenly yelled in the background, "...Uh What about Leo?" Paolo suggested.

"Leo sounds good." Steven agreed, "Yeah that!" Mabel says, "Fine it's name is Leo." I confirmed.

The La- I mean Leo meowed as if agreeing. Paolo called us all for breakfast and we dined in. I smashed some meat for Leo, and afterwards things got a little boring.

Paolo was reading at one of Steven's book Lost Boys, Mabel and Steven were playing, and was sitting on the couch looking at the holo-tablet. I checked if great uncle Ford left any messages, Nothing, I thought then Leo jumped on my lap again.

I groaned of annoyance, "What is it now?" I said angrily, it just purred at me.

What does this thing want? I wondered, "What's wrong Dip?" Mabel asked walking towards me.

"It keeps snuggling me." I complained, "Oh it just want attention." Mabel cooed, and reached for Leo.

"MABEL WA-" to my surprise Leo didn't hurt her, he excepted her immediately.

"Wha?" "Oh, he likes me." she says scratching Leo's neck, "But---how?" I asked confused.

"Maybe it's because were twins?" Mabel suggested, "Maybe?" I said unsure.

"But at least he won't bother m-" I was caught off when Leo jumped on my head, "Oh come on!" I whined.

"Hehe, he likes you better, mama Dipper!" Mabel teased, "Do not call me that." I said angrily, "What about papa Dipper?" she asked.

"Hehe, that's sounds perfect!" Steven says cheerfully, I could hear Paolo  giggle at me, "Not funny, and don't call me papa." I stated.

"HAHA! Papa Dipper? Good nickname!" Amethyst says getting out of the temple.

I rolled my eyes, "Hey there papa!" she teased, then Leo hissed at her.

That was the one thing I like about this dragon, then it started to growl at Amethyst, she rolled her eyes, "Scary." she says sarcastically.

Then Leo suddenly jumped on Amethyst face, and started to attack, "AAAHHH! Get it off." Amethyst yelled.

I laughed at it, then Mabel ran to Amethyst side and got Leo off her face.

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