Chapter 11

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Dipper Pov.

I woke from the old couch again, and my neck hurts. "I'm tired sleeping on this thing." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

" I know right?" Paolo says who was already up.

"Well then you'll both be happy what we have to show you." We hear Pearl, we turned to see her, and Garnet next to the temple door.

"Why? What do you have to show us." I asked.

"Ugh! Amethyst what is it?!" we hear Mabel whine, we took our attention up stairs.

"Quit whining and get up! We got a surprise waiting!" Amethyst says.

"A Surprise! Where!?" Mabel suddenly jumped up.

"You gotta go down and see." Amethyst says and they both run down.

"Is everyone here?" Pearl asked.

"What about Steven?" I asked.

"He can see it later, we have to show you something you might happy to see." Pearl says smiling widely.

"Okay! Bring it out sister!" Mabel yell excited.

Garnet and Pearl moved aside to reveal the temple door with 3 new stone at the center. Then Pearl's gem glowed, and the door opened.

"Dipper, Mabel, and Paolo. Come with us." she says as she beacons us to the temple.

The three of us looked at each other and entered.  We were in some place that looked like the coliseum that me and Paolo were training on, but it looked much newer and smaller. It was surrounded  with blue clouds. There were Ionic pillars with blue long gems floating on it on each corner of the room.

There was a large shelf full with books, and king sized bed, and a fountain, "Uh, who's room is this? Pearl's" I asked.

"No Dipper. It's Paolo's room." Garnet says.

"WHAT!?" The three of us were shock.

"Yes, what do you think Paolo?" Pearl asked.

"It. is. AWESOME!" Paolo says happily.

"Glad you like it, now Dipper would you like to see your room?" Pearl asked.

"Yes!" I said excited.

We all walked down, and climbed down a bunch of floating stair steps. Then we found ourselves in some kind of giant room, With large vines forming a large dome, and a single light at the center above the room, revealing the room.

It had green tiled floor, with 4 Corinthian pillars supporting the dome. At the right side was full of shelves made out of twisted vines full of books, kinda like a my own library. On the left seemed to have some kind mini water falls, that leads to a small spring, with rocks, and at the center was a single king sized bed,  and a small nest like bed next to it, a desk made out of also twisted vines.

"Whoa, I feel like in the forest." I said.

"Well you like to explore don't cha?" Amethyst says.

"We thought it would be perfect." Pearl says.

"And it is!" I said happily admiring my new room.

"Where's mine!?" Mabel asked excitedly.

"Follow us." Garnet says.

We went out of my room and found some weird slide made of stones, "'s not down there right?" I asked nervously, then Amethyst suddenly pushed me.

"Oops!" she says sarcastically.

I fell and was screaming. I then landed on the slide, and slid down, with the others behind me.

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