Chapter 6

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I week later

Steven Pov.

A week has passed, a lot has happened. The gems are know, training Dipper, Mabel, and Paolo, and I just encountered two experimented gems is a hospital. At least Connie and her mom made up. Also, since Dipper saw Connie training with swords, he decided to join in, including Paolo since his gem weapon is a sword after all.

Me and Mabel were playing with some of my toys. She didn't join in the sword fight training, cause when Pearl started to teach, she immediate lost interest.

The warp pad light up, and Pearl, Connie, Dipper, and Paolo appeared.

"HEY GUYS!" I greeted, "Hello Steven." Pearl says, "So how's the training?" I asked.

"Good, Connie is improving, ans are Dipper and Paolo." Pearl says, "Now if you may excuse me, I need to go." Pearl says as she entered the temple.

"So, you guys wanna play?" Mabel asked, Paolo and Dipper groaned and lay on the couch, "Well I would love too..." "YAY!" Mabel cut Connie, "But...I need to back home." Connie finished her sentence.

Mabel became sad, "But we can hang at my house tomorrow." she says, "Really?" Mabel says cheering up, "Yeah." Connie says, "YAY! again!" Mabel cheers again.

Connie giggled a bit, "Okay, see you guys tomorrow." Connie says, "And guys, keep working on postures." Connie added, the guys moaned meaning yes.

Then Leo then suddenly jumped on Dipper's head, but Dipper just ignored it.

"Aw cute!" I said petting on Leo.

Leo has finally grown on us these past week, he doesn't attack us or the gems, except for people he hasn't met before.

///Next day

We went through Loins portal, with me, Dipper, Mabel, and Paolo riding him.

"Hey! Steven!" Connie greeted, "Connie!" I greeted back and hop off Loin.

The rest of the gang followed, "Hello Steven." says Connie's mom, "Hi!" I greeted.

"Hello Dipper, Paolo, and...Mabel." greeted them, "Hey miss M!" Mabel greeted.

"Come on in!" Connie welcomed us, and me and Mabel charged in, "I'll make sure they don't break anything." Dipper says, "I'm with ya." Paolo says.

"At least Connie made some decent friends." I could hear Connie's mom say.

///Steven house

Pearl Pov.

Dipper and the rest of the experiments left, Garnet is interrogating the prisoners again, and Amethyst is out eating again, and Leo is sleeping on the bed Steven made for him. Now's my chance to check on what are Dipper's gems are.

"Okay." I said opening my holo-tablet, I scrolled down and checked their bio-logs. I scrolled down, Lactrus was the name of Dipper's gem.

"Lactrus?" I have never heard a gem like that before, I kept scrolling until I found Mabel and Paolo's gems, "Closus, and Chronos? What gems are these?" I check the tablet, but it didn't had anything to explain about these new breeds.

I sighed, Then Garnet entered the room, "Any luck?" I asked, "No." she says, "What are you doing with the holo-tablet?"she asked, "OH! nothing, just checking the ships files, for uh...information and homeworlds plans." I said, "Alright." Garnet says entering the temple.

I looked at the holo-tablet, "Actually checking if the homeworld plans are here isn't a bad idea." I said to my self, and I checked it for real.

///Connie's home

Dipper Pov.

I was reading one Connie's book, Familiar. Paolo, was drawing on a small sketch pad he brought with him. He likes to draw, monsters and FNAF things nowadays. Steven, Connie, and Mabel were were chatting in the room. Pretty normal, for once.

Connie Pov.

Me, Steven, and Mabel were talking until Steven mentions Beacha Palooza.

"You guys, are gonna go to beacha palooza?" Steven asked, "Beacha wha?" Mabel asked.

"Beacha Palooza! it's a talent competition." Steven exclaims, then put out two flyers.

"Sweet, when is it?" Mabel asked, "In three days." Steven says, "I'm so in! what about you Connie?" Mabel asked.

"Nah, I'll just watch." I said.

Beep! Beep!

We heard beeping, then Dipper put down my book, and put out some high-tech gizzmo.

"What's that?" I asked, " It's a holo-tablet Dipper found in the gem ship." Steven explains, " Yeah, we call our grunkles through it." Mabel added, "Wow." was all I could say.

"Hey Mabel, anything you wanna say to grunkle Stan and Ford?" Dipper asked, Mabel charged and jumps on Dippers chest. Then takes the holo-tablet from him.

"Mabel---Can't breath." Dipper squeaked, "Oops! sorry." she says and gets off.

Me and Steven laughed at the twins, "So do you need help on preparing on the Beacha Palooza?" I asked, "Well would need help on distributing flyers." Steven says, "Okay." I said.

Afterwards we just kept on our usual activities, Dipper and Mabel were chatting with there grunkles, Paolo showed me some of his drawings, including those weird animatronics, until it was time to go home.

///Steven house

3rd person Pov.

The gang got back home, as they open the door at the same time the warp pad beamed and the crystal gems appeared. Nothing special happened after that, they all had dinner afterwards and went to bed, Steven and Mabel went up stairs, and Dipper and Paolo slept on the couch again.

Paolo Pov.

I was sleeping peacefully, until I heard a annoying beeping noise. I moaned and gave out a sigh. I opened my eyes, and found Dipper's holo-tablet on the table lighting up, and making the stupid beeping noise.

I looked up were Dipper was and shake him.

"Yo, Dip your tablet's ringing." I said, and Still didn't move, "Dip! come on!" I whined then he finally woke up, "Uh?...." he says.

"Your tablet." I said in a sleeply voice on pointed at it.

Dipper stood up lazily, and picked it up. I yawned and fell back to sleep, until Dipper woke me up again.

"Pssst, Paolo! wake up!" he says shaking me, " Whhhhaaaattt!?" I complained getting up.

There's a security breach, I just saw the gems leave an-" " Hold on, how do you know this?" I asked, cutting him off.

"Uh yeah, remembered when I linked the computer to the tablet?" he asked, "Yeah.." I said, "Well... I may have also linked it with the ships communication, security, skimatics, and other programs." Dipper explains.

"Okay, what does this do with you waking me up?" " I asked, "The gems might need help." Dipper says.

"Dip, there the crystal gems. The protector if earth, and they lived longer than we did. They can handle it." I said.

"And if one of them slip away?" Dipper asked, I rolled my eyes, "Come on, we could try our sword skills on them. You know, for experience." Dipper added

I gave a bored look. "Come on, it be fun." he says, now beggibg, "Fine " I said in defeat, "Yes!" he screams in a whisper.

"Should we wake up Mabel, and Steven?" I asked, "Nah, we can handle this." Dipper says, "If you say so." I said.

I got of the couch, me, and Dipper grabbed our swords and headed out.

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