Game 3, Day 4 (Afternoon)

202 18 15

Camille Garza POV

Rudy stamped out the flames of the fire, pulling the rabbit meat off of the spit. He cut the meat up into pieces with his knife, and then handed out parts of it to us. I accepted mine gratefully, my stomach growling excessively at the mere smell of the food. Santana smiled and took her portion, quickly devouring the food.

"How are your wounds?" I asked Santana.

"They're getting better, they don't hurt as much," she answered softly. I nodded slowly. Although I had stood with Rudy and Santana yesterday, part of me hadn't believed what Santana had said. Why would Santana only now bring it up? I glanced over at Santana, who was ignoring eye contact with everyone.

"Okay, we should head off now," Doug said, standing up, "The smoke might give away our location."

We all nodded our assent, and quickly staggered to our feet. Rudy walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We're almost out of here," he murmured, "Only four more deaths."

"I just hope it's none of us," I whispered back.

"Hey guys?"

Doug, Rudy and I all turned towards Santana, who was looking up at us with a small smile on her face.

"Thanks for yesterday. It wasn't... easy... but you guys were super understanding. Thanks."

"It's fine," Doug smiled. I smiled at Santana, but inside my stomach was churning. I had a bad feeling.

Santana took another step forward, smiling at us.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for letting me into this alliance," she said, "Without you, I think I'd be dead."

"No problem." Rudy said. Santana smiled back at him.

All of a sudden, the small girl lurched forward and, with her small knife in hand, grabbed onto Doug, holding his shoulder with one hand and, with the other, shoving the knife deep into his flesh, entering through the bottom of his jaw. Rudy staggered back, breathing heavily. A scream ripped itself from my chest. Doug spat up gore, blood dribbling down his lips. Santana quickly yanked her knife from the wound, and then shoved Doug back. His cannon sounded before he hit the floor.


"NO!" Rudy roared, "NO!"

Santana turned on her heel and began to flee, sprinting away from us with all the strength in her body. My brain kicked in moments later and I charged after her, my breathing seeming to consume the silence and my vision red. She killed Doug, and she killed Chris.

She had to pay for what she had done.

Santana kept looking over her shoulder at me, still running. I could hear Rudy charging through the trees behind me, but I didn't look back. I couldn't lose Santana, if I did she would get away. I refused to let her escape.

I ran faster, my body screaming at me to slow down but my brain yelling to speed up. Santana was beginning to tire, her speed was faltering and she staggered over obstacle after obstacle. Finally, she was within a few metres of me. I had to take my chance.

I shut my eyes and, with all the strength I had remaining, I sprinted towards Santana and pushed off of the ground, leaping through the air towards the girl. My arms wrapped aggressively around Santana's waist from behind, and the momentum sent us both crashing to the ground.

I quickly pulled Santana's knife from her grip, easily yanking it from her fingers. I ignored her screams and cries for help and pinned Santana to the ground, holding the knife against her throat with red hot rage prickling beneath my skin.

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