Training (Day 1)

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Daphne Floyd POV

The tributes all filed into the Training Centre. I stuck by Tatiana's side, my fists curled into balls. I didn't have many skills except for knowledge of plants and poisons, and that wouldn't get me very far in the games. The capitol rarely gave out poison as a weapon in the bloodbath. Tatiana opened up the doors to the training centre and I graciously stepped through, muttering a quick thanks. She smiled and we walked up to the half circle of tributes surrounding Audrey, the head trainer. She nodded as everyone arrived, then began to speak.

"Welcome to the training centre," Audrey began, gesturing around at the different stations and areas, "You have exactly two days to train. Today, you will have the whole day to go from station to station, and try to perfect your skills. You will still have training tomorrow, but only for a few hours. After that, the individual assessments will begin. Instead of getting a score from 1 to 12, like in an average Hunger Games, each District will have all six of their tributes ranked from 1-6. So, basically, you are competing against the others from your District to try to get a higher place."
Well I'm stuffed.

"I recommend you guys try some survival stations. Weapons are great, but they're no use if you're too weakened and exhausted to fight. Fighting skills are a security blanket. Survival skills will save your life." And with that, she gestured at us to roam around the training centre. Tatiana, Phillip, Amaya, Will and I quickly converged into a small group.

"I want to try the spear station," Amaya said.

"Me too," Will replied.

"I wanna go to the fighting staff station," Phillip said, shrugging his shoulders back, "Anyone else game?"

"Me," Tatiana smiled. All eyes turned to me, and I gulped.

"What do you want to do?" Tatiana asked me gently. I ducked my head and muttered the plants station.

"What?" Phillip asked.

"Plants station," I said louder. Tatiana chewed her lip.

"How about you come with Phillip and I to the fighting staff station, then after that we'll go to the plant station. Sound good?"

I nodded, a small smile creeping onto my face. Amaya smiled and waved goodbye, walking away with Will in tow. Phillip, Tatiana and I walked towards the fighting staff station, where Jay Mann was already smashing a mannequin into pieces. I shuddered. He freaked me out. The three of us walked over to the table and chose our fighting staffs as Jay continued to beat the mannequin to rubble, a twisted grin on his face. I cringed back as a piece went flying, and apparently Phillip had had enough. He walked closer to Jay.

"Dude, I think it's dead." He snapped, "Can you quit it? You're freaking out Daphne."

Jay laughed and turned to Phillip. "Tell her its fine. I'll make her death less painful than this. Maybe."
I felt a chill run through my body as Jay's eyes slid over to mine. He made a throat splitting gesture and grinned.

"Fuck off, Jay," Phillip growled, "Leave her alone, she's only 12."

"Why don't you fuck off, you little shit," Jay snarled. Phillip's eyes flared and he moved closer, gripping his fighting staff tighter. Tatiana wrapped an arm around me, glaring at Jay as he continued to make frightening gestures towards me.

"Stop it!" Phillip snapped, jumping forward. Jay snorted.

"Why don't you three scuttle on back to whatever shithole you crawled out from and leave me alone?"

"Hey, stop this!" Tatiana jumped in angrily, "Jay, just leave us alone please. We don't want trouble."

"Can it, Whiteman!" Jay snarled, pointing his fighting staff at her threateningly. Tatiana dropped her shoulders and let out a deep breath, stepping back.

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